Sold SWTOR Account for Sale 7 level 55's READY for high...

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by SWTOR Accounts - Buy and Sell, 8/8/13.

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  1. SWTOR Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    SWTOR Account for Sale 7 level 55's READY for high level PVP (legacy gear sets applied) This account was used primarily for PVP That does not mean you cannot use it for PVE. Most people look at how much HP you have, and if you're around 30k hp you can get in almost any. Gearing out is expensive so I do not have much money, the value of my account comes from how geared most of my characters are. That being said, I have a little over 1 mil credits. Legacy gear means you can send the gear from toon to toon The sentinel and marauder are mirror classes, they share 1 set of Legacy gear The Powertech, Mercenary, and Vanguard all share 1 other set of Legacy gear too Republic -55 Sentinel Valor 100, 2800 PVP rating, Full conquerer min-maxed augmented(legacy gear) -55 Gunslinger, Almost full conquerer min-maxed augmented -55 Shadow, Almost full conquerer min-maxed augmented -55 Vanguard, Half conq, half partisan gear,some war hero, mostly augemented(uses legacy gear) Empire -55 Marauder, Full conquerer min-maxed augmented(legacy gear) -55 Mercenary, Mostly Conquerer/half partisan, min maxed augmented(legacy gear) -55 Powertech, Some conq, Half partisan/half war hero augmented(legacy gear) -36 Juggernaugt -16 Operative Pretty sure all the 55's have the +10 datacron, and then most of them have a wide variety of the rest of them
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  2. OP
    Kurtis Mckean

    Kurtis Mckean
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    Can I have it
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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