Sold Not sure if it is the right place where to write...

Discussion in 'Star Trek Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Federico Pizzati, 4/18/15.

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  1. Federico Pizzati

    Federico Pizzati
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    Not sure if it is the right place where to write so delete this if you wish Selling STO account: 1 year of playing 4 characters 1(main) tactical fed, level 60,part of a t5 fleet,complete reputation and level 15 crafting, 7 zen ships( 3 fed command battlecruisers, 3 dyson destroyers, odyssey tactical) 1 fleet ship (avenger) breen sahr theln carrier and kobali samsar cruiser, almost every reputation space set except delta alliance and nukara. Main setup is fleet advanced antiproton mk from 12 to 14 borg 2 piece set mk xII for deflector and engines and mk 14 fleet resb resilient shields. fleet tac consoles for antiproton and full command set plus plasmonic leech nukara particle converter and romulan weaponry set (complete). Conductive rcs accelerator field generators and exotic particle field exciter all mk 14 . 10 plus dilithium vip tokens, 100 lobi, nearly 500'000 dilithium and lots of R&D materials. 2 Reman fed science, level 60 part of a t3/4 fleet, main ship is kobali samsar with full plasma mk XII weapons and consoles, full kobali space set field generators and exotic particle field exciter. 3 Klingon eng, level 60 , part of a t3/4 fleet,main ship is samsar with polarized disruptors and bio-molecular disruptors mk 11 and 12 plus related tac consoles 3 piece solanae space set, field generators and exotic particle field exciter. 4 Fed eng, delta recruit level 53 with ships from main fed character, cannon/beam phaser set with related consoles. And lots more. No price in mind so i'm accepting offers.
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    Joshua Winter

    Joshua Winter
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    This still available?
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  3. OP
    Federico Pizzati

    Federico Pizzati
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    Yes, and got better meanwhile.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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