Sold Sell my personal account, reason is not playing...

Discussion in 'Star Trek Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Naurice Hutanu, 5/2/15.

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  1. Naurice Hutanu

    Naurice Hutanu
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    Sell my personal account, reason is not playing anymore, I don't have time. 4 caracters in game: 1. Starfleet tactical level 59 Best ships in game: - Jem'Hadar atack ship (worth 400 mil creds) - Jem'Hadar Dreadnought carrier (worth 90 mil creds) - Cardassian Galor ship (worth 130 mil creds) - Fleet Battle Cruiser - Dyson Science Destroyer - Fleet Tactical Escort Retrofit - Breen Cheel Grett Warship - Obelisk Carrier - Breen Plesh Brek Heavy Raider - Ferengi Na'far Shuttle (worth 23 mil creds) 74 mil credits available 850k fleet credits 284 duty officers All commendations unlocked 100% R/D level 7+ 9645 accolades Fleet level 10, my fleet rank: Vice Admiral Best bridge officers: borg, jem'hadar, reman, human, voth etc 2. Romulan Science level 57 Best ships: - Scimitar Dreadnought Warbird - Fleet Dhelan Warbird Retrofit - Ha'Feh Assault Warbird - Heavy Escort Retrofit - Dyson Science Destroyer - Breen Plesh Brek HEavy Raider - Obelisk Carrier - Delta Flyer 2 mil credits 210 duty officers All commendations unlocked 100%( medical 92k; colonial 78k) R/D level 7+ 7400 accolades Bridge officers: borg, human, reman, romulan, voth etc 3. Klingon Tactical level 56 Best ships: _ Kreen Temporal Destroyer (worth 85 mil creds) - Fleet Mogh Battlke Cruiser - Fleet Scourge Destroyer Raptor - Qin Heavy Raptor - Obelisk Carrier - Breen Plesh Brek Heavy Raider - Dyson Science Destroyer - Toron Shuttle 4 mil creds 322 duty officers All commendatios unlocked 100% R/D level 6+ 7665 accolades Bridge officers: jem'hadar, borg, nausicaan, klingon etc 4. Starfleet Science level 55 Ships: - Fleet Battle Cruiser - Battle Cruiser - Patrol Escort - Obelisk Carrier - Breen PLesh Brek Heavy Raider - Bren Chel Grett Warship - Dyson Science Destroyer - Delta Flyer 3 mil credits 176 duty officers All commendations unlocked 100% (Colonial 69k, Recruit 74k) R/D level 6+ 6145 accolades Send me message if interested.
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  2. OP
    Marcus Fetsch

    Marcus Fetsch
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    Look into your mailbox
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  3. OP
    Joshua Winter

    Joshua Winter
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    do you have kobali samsar?
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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