Startrek Online Account for sale, Selling my lifetime account. It has been alive since head start. Reason I'm selling it now is that I no longer have any interest in the game. I spent a huge amount on this game. I've done every winter event, summer event, which currently I'm still active with it by doing the daily risa event to get the new ferengi ship. Most of everything in the cstore is unlocked, from ships, items, packs ect. I have purchased all the big packs they have released. From the Romulan to the newer packs. Also, this account is linked to a fleet, which is no longer active. I'm leader of the fleet, and the account will come with the fleet. You can rename it to w/e your heart contents to. Almost t5, and has all the things open to it, including the winter breen holo's. The characters on the account, cept the recent delta recruit chr, have all done the elite accolades for STFs, so youll have all the unlocked appearances for the maco set and the kdf honor guard set. Most of the reps are all done on some of the characters. Minus the new Iconian one. The main character, has all the goodies, he has the entire lockbox ships that have been released cept for the 2 latest lock box packs. Really this account has just tons of stuff, and I really don't want to make a huge post here. TONS of stuff. the picture below was just a quick summary of some basic stuff I wanted to show. Inventory and reputation token tally is just from one character alone. What im looking to get for this, $800 bucks. Ive spent more then 800 on the account so I feel its a fair amount. From preordering STO prior to the games release, to the life time account which was a little over 300 bucks, to all the spending of lock box items, cstore shinies.. prob looken over 3k easily spent on this account. I wont accept any trades, sorry.