Sold Spent a few weeks grinding and know my next toon...

Discussion in 'Star Trek Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Jason Andrew, 9/17/15.

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  1. Jason Andrew

    Jason Andrew
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    Spent a few weeks grinding and know my next toon will be a commando Intel officer tac of course. Want to invest no more in this game than a normal $60 game. I know this much: I keep monthly perks like bank account access across toons even after cancellation. I would like to buy at least 1 ship now. The Intel escort. 2nd optional. I'm still a noobish. Don't know much about epic gear but would like to craft someday. Need an account with basics unlocked with ability to grow into without running into a road block like caps I should have unlocked already or features that only feature for veterans. Only running 1 primary and story toons. Just want a solid foundation that I may boldly go anywhere but straight into a concrete feature block.
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