Sold I want to sell, my silver account (since...

Discussion in 'Star Trek Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by István Kovács, 9/26/15.

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  1. István Kovács

    István Kovács
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    I want to sell, my silver account (since 04/18/2012), with 2 federation character (tac, sci), and 10 farm character (6 kdf, 4 kdf-romulan). The tac is my head character(49 specializaton ponints have), sci is my fun/second character(18 spec points have). Details, in jpeg's. Unlocked bundles: Enterprise era, the original series, ds9 pack. Unlocked charater: joined trill. Unlocked energy cap, Account bank, twice unlocked, so many appearance. Ships: t1 B' rothl, Tier 2 rhode island, gladius escort, dhael warbird, qaw'dun. Tier 3: thunderchild, valdore, phalanx sci, suqob class. Tier4:- Tier5: Ambassador support cruiser, armitage, defiant, nebula, tempest, multi-mission (vesta), mogai, D'deridex, marauder patrol cruiser, varanus support.. Tier6, dauntless sci, eclipse cruiser, phantom escort. Cross faction (all have, if u are 50 or above) breen chel grett, breen pleh brek, breen sarr theln. Risian corvette, risian luxury cruiser. dyson science destroyer, ferengi nandi warship, kobali samsar. Price 100 $
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