Selling  Have 2017 semi stacked Want raw data account

Discussion in 'Rec Room Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by GalaxysLimit, 8/8/22.

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  1. GalaxysLimit

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    Heyo Second Listing uhh Discord: GalaxysLimit#4627
    I have 2017-2020 class shirts, midnight set, eyepatch, and some five stars
    I'll show you my inventory over call, If you (Raw Data acc owner) could do the same that would be nice.
    If you can't then please put photos of your inventory on
    I have a middle man so I cant get scammed
    have a nice day!
    oh yeah i also have S+ Hair And Crescendo S+\
    * Currently Working on getting full gold scallywag set and all aristocrat sets*
    #1 GalaxysLimit, 8/8/22
    Last edited: 8/13/22
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