Mid/End Game Omegamon account. Daemon x,Uvx, Aox, Lucemon Satan mode, Susanoo

Discussion in 'Digimon Masters Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Seelzy, 8/5/22.

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  1. Seelzy

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    My Location:
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    Selling good account. Message me for price, all digimon legit. Never used a bot or #.

    Tamer Lvl 121
    Title: Saviour of the real world
    D-ark (prototype)
    Agumon costume.
    Royal X-Knight's bracelet.

    will be leveling Fang and will be starting to farm for Fanglongmon (shin)
    Hawkmon 5/5 egg
    Wormmon (Imperialdramon) 5/5
    4x Raremon 4/5
    Gazi (Milli) 5/5 egg
    Agumon (Milli) 4/5 egg
    2x Xuanwumon 5/5 eggs
    Warehouse full of stuff

    Price is # but only realistic offers
    Discord: Seelzy#4887 for quick replies

    This is a great account with room to grow, I don't have a lot of time to play but a lot of love and money has gone into making this account what it is. 65c and 1T comes with the account.

    Please keep in mind, I don’t have many accounts for sale, this is my personal account that I’ve worked hard on, hence the price will be higher than others.

    Middleman preferred for buyer and seller protection.

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    #1 Seelzy, 8/5/22
    Last edited: 8/6/22
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