Selling  High End K33 Strong Account S1056

Discussion in 'Evony Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by SneakyNinja, 8/3/22.

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  1. SneakyNinja

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    My Location:
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    Selling a Level 33 Keep Account Features -
    SERVER - 1056 (NEW)
    REASON TO SELL - Unable to play more, problems in life and due to work I don't get enough
    Time to play, account is in Top alliance and sitting bubbled all the time to prevent any attack.
    (*Check details below and feel free to negotiate price little bit or ask if i forgot to mention anything)

    [​IMG] 1,000,000 Gems in inventory, use as you like
    [​IMG] 500M of resource already unlocked (excluding inventory)
    [​IMG] POWER - 305M (At Present)
    [​IMG] VIP - LEVEL 13

    [​IMG] Theodora, Elise (Evolved), El Cid (Evolved), Harald, Napoleon, Constance and 55
    other golden historic generals unlocked.
    [​IMG] Oda Oichi as Wall general and Boudicca as assistant but you can select anyone
    From 55 others in the list.
    [​IMG] All troop type generals range, cav, ground, seige. Select as per preference.

    [​IMG] 1 Dragon and All spiritual beast unlocked, you can unlock another pasture dragon
    If you prefer.
    [​IMG] Spiritual beast are enhance and Range & Cav beast have smelting to kill monsters
    Easily for more RSS

    [​IMG] General, King, Dragon, Dragon (Evolved), Archamidae and Some civilisation Gear
    [​IMG] 15 Archamidae Formula in inventory to craft more gear.
    [​IMG] Civilisation gear formula and shards to craft more if needed.
    [​IMG] Theodora has Rurik bracer and Leg armour, Combined with Dragon and King gear
    For MONSTER, you can change as per preference.
    [​IMG] 12 Generals already wearing Max refined and Upgraded Equipments.
    [​IMG] MONSTER General has maxed refined equipment with cavalary buffs.
    [​IMG] All already created equipments have 5 stars.
    [​IMG] EL CID upgraded as PVP general with over 1K in stats but you can upgrade more.
    (Check inventory below)
    [​IMG] Gathering Generals, PVP general, assistant and monster general all have red skill
    books and 40 red skill books sitting in inventory (Check inventory below)
    [​IMG] 7 Sub City Generals with Debuffs 6 already installed in cities.

    [​IMG] Level 5/6 Monarch Gear (Mixed) All types
    [​IMG] Monarch Level 28 with both skill slots unlocked and preset
    [​IMG] 2 Emblem unlocked

    [​IMG] Militry Tech Maxed (All skills in Attack Slot)
    [​IMG] Most of defense and some Agriculture skills maxed you can upgrade more if needed

    [​IMG] Inventory has all above mentioned things and many other things
    [​IMG] More than 100K stamina that you can use.
    [​IMG] 500M of each resource type in boxes chests, etc
    [​IMG] Thousands of coin for wheel of fortune
    [​IMG] Thousands of speed ups collected to upgrade different things, NO trap speedup as
    I used all of it.
    [​IMG] Over 20K refine stones and 10K-12K of each runestone
    [​IMG] Almost 400M Gold available
    [​IMG] Lots of white,green and blue materials. 100 of red and yellow materials for crafting
    [​IMG] Many general shards that are almost near 30, many treasure maps
    [​IMG] 100 of teleportes and arrest warrants
    [​IMG] 331 spiritual scale, 50 Lucky coins, 1 Level 6 Arctic barbarian Map
    [​IMG] 150 of Attack, Defense and HP boosting buffs
    [​IMG] 20 of 50% boost and each type of march present buff
    I AM A COLLECTOR so there's lot of other things, you can ask if I forgot to mention above

    TROOPS -
    [​IMG] 10 Million overall troops
    [​IMG] Already layered troops so that you can defend/attack strategically
    [​IMG] Upto T13 Cav unlocked for Monster Hunting
    [​IMG] Upto T12 ground, range and seige unlocked for defense/pvp
    [​IMG] Over 500% tech buff in troops, it will be more when mixed with correct generals

    *If I forgot to mention something please feel free to ask.
    Selling in 1000$ (Price can be negotiated little bit, not a lot)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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