DoT 30F. 1818 crys. 874/1000 login. (4 Months few days again to get another 500 crys from 1000 days login) & many top tier 5* support equips plus ALL Cross Arts in GS. -FS still avaliable -Able to clear DoT up to final floor 30 -Crys 1818 ready to pity Dark Hart if you want. -Can NUKE 7/7 Daily crest palace PRO & clear 4/5 EXTREME Crest Palace -Can Solo all Ultra Luck bosses(Aesis nuke) -Can Solo Awoken Grad, Nier & Ez Awoken Ganan -All Ultra Luck unit L140 -Ganan, Grad, Nier, Gilliam all Awoken & have their TW -Have top tier units -Top tier 5* support equips -Have def equip for All element Damage & some copy. -Total true weapons 36 -Raimbow gem 20 -Have all ticket except unit ticket -L Potions 500 -Luck Gem 80(Ez make Vox above Luck100 or L60 Hao if you want) -Main story current final chapter 13 End.