Two high end accounts + bge specialist account. Top 5 guild, arena rank 1s

Discussion in 'Animation Throwdown Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by mathung, 7/1/22.

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  1. mathung

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    80000+ mastery stones on all three accounts and 6000+ SMS on two accounts. Taking individual offers but would prefer to sell together. These accounts were built very well and have many of the absolute best characters, cms, and pcs in the game. No longer have the time or money to put into the game.

    High end accounts:
    -Both rank 1 arena multiple times
    -Capable of competing in top 5 guilds in any BGE
    -90 and 104 quad pcs, mostly cm3, many of which are top tier such as let's go fart, bodybuilder stan, jacuzzi drinks hank, instructional vid stewie, pot brownies klaus, panty addict snot
    -CM3 on many of the best combos in the game, CM2 on many others
    -Strong decks for every bge and show, capable of attacking and defending any siege island
    -Quad fused mythics, including a 6** stewie
    -First account has low stats but high quad rate and all cards are kept to a high standard (garbage cards recycled)
    -Beer jeff cm3, easily one of the best combos in the game and only been offered once for cm. IYKYK.

    Third account is small but very good in siege, defends trap islands and competes in a top 15 guild. Drunk, athletic, and toy decks are good enough for top 5 guilds.

    CM3s below. Can add me on LINE (mathung) for more details if needed.

    Combo Mastery
    Level | Combo | Left
    3 | Balloon Tosser | 0
    3 | Beer Jeff | 0
    3 | Bender's Electric Eel | 0
    3 | Body Builder Stan | 0
    3 | Bouldering Bob | 0
    3 | Butt Fever | 0
    3 | Champagne Toast Fry | 0
    3 | Country Club Stan | 0
    3 | Dinner Wine Bob | 0
    3 | Feed the Dodo | 0
    3 | Good Boy Witch Snot | 0
    3 | Let's Go Fart | 0
    3 | Lord Griffin | 0
    3 | Magazine Cover Zapp | 0
    3 | Oil Receipts | 0
    3 | Painting Class Joe | 0
    3 | Pesto Jeff | 0
    3 | Pointillism | 0
    3 | Sewer Surfer Bender | 0
    3 | Sewer Surfer Fry | 0
    3 | Sledding Gene | 0
    3 | Snot and Dreidal | 0
    3 | Softball Bill | 0
    3 | Song and Dance Stewie | 0
    3 | Stewie's Tricycle | 0
    3 | Sub Hub Hayley | 0
    3 | Toy Blocks Snot | 0
    3 | Wild Woman Jeff | 5
    3 | Xerxes the Falcon | 0

    Combo Mastery
    Level | Combo | Left
    3 | Basketball Joe | 0
    3 | Beer Snot | 0
    3 | Body Builder Stan | 0
    3 | Bouldering Bob | 0
    3 | Butt Fever | 0
    3 | Cham-Pag-En Zapp | 0
    3 | Class Spanker | 0
    3 | Dinner Wine Bob | 0
    3 | High School Bill | 0
    3 | History Report Gene | 0
    3 | Hot Cocoa Tina | 0
    3 | Jacuzzi Drinks Hank | 0
    3 | Knife Fight Stewie | 0
    3 | Laser Gun Stewie | 0
    3 | Magazine Cover Zapp | 0
    3 | Mascot Fighter Stan | 0
    3 | Round House | 0
    3 | Sledding Gene | 0
    3 | Softball Bill | 0
    3 | Solo Party | 5
    3 | Strategist Zapp | 0
    3 | Swole Amy | 0
    3 | Toy Blocks Snot | 0
    3 | Whale Hunter Amy | 0

    Combo Mastery
    Level | Combo | Left
    3 | Body Builder Stan | 5
    3 | Computer Game Wine Roger | 0
    3 | Dinner Wine Bob | 0
    3 | Jacuzzi Drinks Hank | 0
    3 | Lobster Wedding | 0
    3 | Sledding Gene | 0
    3 | VR Gaming Bobby | 0
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  2. jmininni

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    Are you will to just sell your top account
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  3. QPenguin4

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    Is this still available?
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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