Selling  Level 120+  Total Level 2500+ RS3 Main |3060+Ttl|370+QP|120Def|120Rang|120Mag|120Herb|120Slay|109DG|112Arch|134Inv[ChicksJ2002007]

Discussion in 'Runescape 3 RS3 Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Chicks, 7/18/22.

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  1. Chicks

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    Combat Level: 138

    Total Level: 3060+

    Quest Points: 370+

    Featured Quests: The Light Within, Jack of Spades, Plague’s End, Temple of Senntisten, Desert Treasure

    Acheievements: 1800+

    Pets:Shadow Drake, Chick'arra, K'rill Tinyroth, General Awwdor, Commander Miniana, Ellie, Corporeal Puppy, King Black Dragonling, Legio Tertiolus, Legio Quartulus, Legio Quintulus, Legio Sextulus, Prime Hatchling, Rex Hatchling, Mega Ducklings, Vindiddy, Rawrvek, Lilwyr, Greg, Little Sus, Brains, Bubbles, Crabbe, Ralph, Sifu, Kangali, Wallace, Morty, Sparky, Newton, Archie

    Featured Items:Ring of Death, Augmented Trimmed Masterwork Platebody, Augmented Trimmed Masterwork Platelegs, Charms, Demon Horn Necklace, Charming Imp, Augmented Crystal Hatchet, Augmented Imcando Mattock, Grace of the Elves, Lucky Armadyl Chestplate, Overloads, Renewals, Gizmos, Spring Cleaner 9001, Lucky Chaotic Staff, Lucky Chaotic Crossbow, Lucky Off-hand Chaotic Crossbow, Lucky Armadyl Godsword, Lucky Bandos Godsword, Lucky Saradomin Godsword, Lucky Zamorak Godsword, Lucky Armadyl Chestplate, Lucky Bandos Chestplate, Lucky Bandos Tassets




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