Selling  Asia  All Platforms  High End  End Game Account Asia Alpha Volatile Priestess Veritas Ink-lit Hermit Teneb Spectral Parade 17000 BC 180

Discussion in 'Punishing Gray Raven Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Keynaa, 7/17/22.

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  1. Keynaa

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    My Location:
    Price $:
    Make Offer
    Account Punishing Gray Raven Global Asia
    Well Maintained Level 96
    Unset Birthday
    Login Gmail + facebook. Given All (No Deadlinks)

    Lucia Alpha SS + Sakura Ultima (Coating Volatile Priestess 400RC )
    Veritas S + Tonitrus Ultima - 16 shard to SS (Coating Ink-lit Hermit 168RC )
    Kamui Tenebrion S + Darkness Ultima (Coating Spectral Parade 168RC )
    Plume SS + Crimson Birch Ultima
    Rosetta Rigor S + Gungnir Ultima
    Lee Entropy + 5 Star weapon Resonance 3 -1 Resonance Memory Ultima
    Watanabe Asrtal SSS + Peacemaker Resonance 1 Ultima
    Chrome Arclight SSS+ 5 Star Weapon Ultima
    Liv Lux SSS
    Kamui Bastion SSS
    Liv Eclipse SSS
    Watanabe Nightblade SS -4 shard to SSS
    Lee Palefire SS -2 shard to SSS

    Camu SSS +5 Star Weapon Resonance 3
    Qu S

    Free coats from the beginning of the game's release get all including weapons

    Main Story Complate
    Extra Story Normal 00 , 03 0%
    Extra Story Hidden 00 , 02 , 03 0%
    Stronghold Complate

    Golden Vortex Complate
    Border Pact Complate

    BC NOW 17100 and will go up

    Event Contruct R&D Ticket 2600
    Pity Event 2/60 Event Contruct R&D Ticket 2600
    Pity Special Event 0/80

    Pity Base
    Basic Construct Research 2/60 Basic Contruct R&D Ticket 1360
    Target Weapon Research 5/30 Target Weapon R&D Ticket 100
    Random Weapon Research 10/30 Basic Weapon R&D Ticket 1900

    Price : 180$ Quicksell and # until we deal! So feel free to let me know if you're interested...
    you can sent me private message on Discrod for more detail
    Discord : Renz#0770
    Payment : Paypal or Wise

    the account will be played until it is sold
    alpha.jpg veritas.jpg kamui.jpg plume.jpg rosetta.jpg karerina.jpg top up.jpg bc.jpg

    Attached Files:

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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