POST BEFORE CONTACTING POST BEFORE CONTACTING POST BEFORE CONTACTING 85 Undead Priest ilvl 250 - 7460 Achievement Points - 13,206g - 22 titles a couple are rare ones | The Undying, The Diplomat etc | - 525 Herbalism 511 Enchanting - 525 cooking | 525 fishing | 450 first aid - Dual spec enabled - 1750 valor points | 2684 honor points - Geared in full superior quality HEROIC gear 3 epic items - 54 pets - 29 mounts including Drake of The West Wind |Cataclysm| epic flying enabled| On the highest level guild on the server |21| ***ALTS*** level 80 Deathknight 450 Inscription | 450 Mining | Epic Flying level 80 Paladin 450 Herb | 450 Mining | Epic Flying ******* Looking for a high end Rift account- Female + CE + Cleric/Rogue ONLY T2 + Prestige 4 + Plats + Doesnt need to be all of those, but I am only interested in Cleric and rogues UNLESS you meet all other "+" as a warrior or mage. If I am leaving anything out please contact me via aim after posting. Thank you