Mages are one of the most versatile classes in Rift. Pyro-dominator is a beast in pvp, chloromancer is the best dungeon healer in the game, and warlock-necro is a top dps spec. Play however you like the option is yours with a mage. This is a collector's edition account that includes a free mount for new characters and a reusable fire weapon enchant. It also gives a choice between vanity pets The Level 50 mage has.. All 4 roles, all the souls including the pvp soul, and level 50 110% speed mount. 10 man raid L, 4 Tier 2's, and 3 tier 1's. 3 crafting professions maxed and multiple shard firsts. I am selling because my computer died and I need to buy a replacement. This character is on a high pop pvp server with little to no queue times. I'm looking for $650ish but I will consider the highest bidder. Message me if interested. It's posted on ******************* as a method of transfer.