Selling  Rating 1000k+  Android 1.6 M 12.2 K Prestige Very well developed Account

Discussion in 'Marvel Contest of Champions Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Hasib Alislam, 7/10/22.

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  1. Hasib Alislam

    Hasib Alislam
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    High Risk Status: User has been flagged by the system for one or more reasons. Proceed with caution.

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    1.6 M rating, 12.2K PI. 12 Rank 3 6 stars (84 6 stars total) and over 35 Rank 5 5 stars (154 5 stars total) of all top tier champions. 500+ units, 5+ M gold, 14+k glory, 2+ M loyalty, 1 6 star nexus crystal, 2 6 star crystals, 1 5 star nexus crystal, 21K 6 star shards, 45+ k 5 star shards, a lot of 6 star Rank up gems including a 6 star Rank 4 mutant gem, a lot of catalyst so u can rank up other top tier champions that I have yet to Rank up and a full energy, potion and revive stash. Overall it's a very good account to start on and it will be very easy to build and develop it. There's a lot of crystals and catalyst so you can rank other Champs you pull or that I have unranked because there are still a lot of top tier Champs that I have unranked. I was previously in a plat 1 alliance so it should be easy to get back into a top tier alliance with my roster or you ca Screenshot_20220628-174332_Champions.jpg Screenshot_20220628-174145_Champions.jpg Screenshot_20220628-174153_Champions.jpg Screenshot_20220628-174200_Champions.jpg Screenshot_20220628-174207_Champions.jpg Screenshot_20220628-174246_Champions.jpg Screenshot_20220628-174237_Champions.jpg Screenshot_20220628-174231_Champions.jpg Screenshot_20220628-174222_Champions.jpg Screenshot_20220628-173937_Champions.jpg Screenshot_20220710-154126_Champions.jpg Screenshot_20220628-174133_Champions.jpg Screenshot_20220710-154300_Champions.jpg Screenshot_20220628-174113_Champions.jpg n take it slow in a gold alliance if that's what you prefer.
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  2. OP
    Hasib Alislam

    Hasib Alislam
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    Smh how do I almost get scammed and get labeled high risk
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