Selling T1-T2 Raid Geared Mage + Warrior

Discussion in 'Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rift, 10/1/13.

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  1. Rift

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    I am starting medical school soon, so i don't have time to play anymore. I am looking for some extra money to help with moving costs. So i am going to sell my account (even though i love the game!) My Mage is Fully Raid geared. Anything in the old content is a downgrade for me. I am a well known good healer in the game. But my mage holds around 2.4k Dps. My warrior can tank the newest game content. And has a Dps spec. He is also fully raid geared. I am looking for 400 $ for the account. But i am open to move from that number a little. Here is some Screenshots for the mage's Gear. files1.guildlaunch/guild/...ge15024Pop.jpg I'd like the person to be in san diego personally, it will help reassure that no one is trying to scam anyone. Cash or Paypal is sufficient.
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