Sold MemberCheap - Buy cheap membership for your farm or main

Discussion in 'Runescape Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by https://community.tribot., 7/7/22.

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  1. https://community.tribot.

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    I will be selling membership codes that can be reedemed through the runescape website.

    I do not need your account info or anything sketchy.

    You pay me. I give you the code. You redeem it yourself.

    Prices (Updated daily and according to bond and 07 prices)


    Frequently asked questions in the spoiler below.


    Q: Is this legit? Am I getting banned for using this?
    A: The codes I provide are legit and redeemed through the runescape website, you will not get banned for using this.

    Q: What are the types of payment acceptable?
    A: I prefer Ethereum, bitcoin and OSRS gp in this order.

    Q: For botters and goldfarmers, is this type of membership higher ban-rate?
    A: As far as I know, Jagex does not check the type of membership added to an account. Even if they did, there would be no way to differentiate a gold farmer from a normal player just by the type of membership.

    Q: Are there refunds?
    A: No. All codes are generated after you paid me are given out only by me. This means only me and you will have access to these codes, and it is unlikely that the system that provide the codes has a bug or generate a non-valid code.
    Exception: If I sell bulk codes (30+), and NONE of them work, we can discuss and investigate the issue further.

    Q: Are you online 24/7?
    A: No. As I am the only one providing codes at the moment, I cannot offer services 24/7. The times you can find me online are around between 6 PM eastern until 8 AM eastern.

    Q: Are prices always the same?
    A: No. Prices will change daily according to bond prices and also 07 gp. However, buying membership from me will always be cheaper than getting membership with bonds.

    Q: How do I get discounts?
    A: Discounts will only be applied when buying in bulk amount.

    Q: Does the code expire? Do I have to use it as soon as I buy?
    A: No. As far as I know, codes should NEVER expire. I used a code myself that was bought and 'rested' during one month and it worked fine.

    Information, guides on how to redeem and vouches can be found in the discord:​

    Contact information
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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