Sold Selling 137M Kebabs 19GP ea

Discussion in 'Runescape Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by https://community.tribot., 7/7/22.

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  1. https://community.tribot.

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    Minimum sale 1M Kebabs. Accepting OSRS. BTC if you go first. PM me.

    Kebab effects upon eating:

    • 8.7% = The Kebab didn't seem to do a lot.
    • 61.4% = It heals some health. (The Kebab heals 10% of your life points)
    • 21.4% = That was a good Kebab. You feel a lot better. (10-20 HP)
    • 3.65% = Wow that was an amazing kebab! You feel slightly invigorated. (heals you up to 30 HP, raises atk, str, and def stats by 2-3)

      (Warning side effects may include: Loss of HP, and temporary loss of skills. Or even boosted skills such as firemaking. Using with low health is not advised as there may be other side effects including death and loss of items.)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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