Hi everyone I decided to sell my ubisoft For Honor account. I have been playing on this account for almost 2 years and it has a perfect KDA/Winrate. most players who checks you at such sites like: https://tracker.gg/for-honor will see how perfect your KDA is. The account is also #12 in 1v1 Grandmaster leaderboard (you can also see that in https://tracker.gg/for-honor if you want).Raider is rep 70. The account also has all unique armors/effects/emotes since 2021 + more of other in game emotes/effects etc etc. -Account's name: Kinoo.- -The heroes I've played the most have very large customizations, (execution, effect, emotes, outfits, celebrations, unique weapons...) Contact Discord: Kinoo#6753
How many of the buyable characters do you have on the account and is it pc, xbox, or play station account.