K32 S1000~ see items (not S1000)(4B more) - many speed up - RSS 4B more - coiner account (Teodora and etc..) - monarch lv.29 - subs : 1 purple russia. 5 blue japanese. 1 blue korea. 1 blue america. and 7 green subs(alt's) - 2 alt(K25, K20) - power(30M~200M) - many duty general. and ground Elice(coiner general). - many subs general. Bodueng, Magerit, etc... all subs general reduce 10% attack power from enemy - done with reserch of Development, attack, defence, cure. - 2 dragon - SvS top in 15 always - Enough material to make Dragon set, Arch set. see that picture(already have 1 dragon set for mount) - and many important item(like Arres blood 323) - and many unused war item. - rank : earl(and will be duke - have many offer tribute(upper 200) - have many highend skill book - almost done collection of general(all category need only 1 general. and 1 collection is done) - SVS rank : top 8, 13, 17, 15 - Top 2 allience