Selling an account with full card collection with 60% premium (animated) cards. This account has reached Prestige level 10, which means that every keg will guarantee a premium card in one-out-of-three pick. This makes accumulating meteorite powder for transmuting cards into premiums very easy. All Premium Journeys except Alzur and Geralt are available and fully completed. (Geralt and Alzur journey will be available later on throughout the year) Among premium amenities on this account you will find: Syndicate leaders borders set, fire acolyte bundle (fire acolyte title and animated flame border), premium Night and Day cardback, and more. There are numerous Top 500 and Top 200 titles available for each season, like "King of the Wild Hunt", "White Wolf", "Queen of the Elves", "Elder-in-Chief" and more. This is an end-game account with competetive achievements and enough resources to play comfortably without any grinding responsibilities arising along the way. PM for offers, for those seriously interested I will sell the account at a very special price of 300 eur.