Sold MaxCapeMain|2277Total|280+QP|IMaxCape|DiaCape|MusicCape|Avernic|Rigour|EVoid|14xPets[ChicksA1002079]

Discussion in 'Runescape Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Chicks, 6/29/22.

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  1. Chicks

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    Combat Level: 126
    Total Level: 2277
    Quest Points: 280+
    Featured Quest: DS2, MM2, SotF, SotE
    Featured Items: Infernal Cape, Avernic, Rigour, Elite Void, Assembler, B Gloves, Salve Amulet (ei), Rune Pouch, Bonecrusher, 2x Sanguine Dust, 4x Holy Ornament Kits, 3x Twisted Kits, 6x Sanguine Ornament Kits
    Skilling Outfits: Hallowed Sepulchre Graceful, Golden Prospector, Angler, Lumberjack
    Pets: Chaos Elemental, Zulrah, Chompy Chick, Jad, Heron, Rock Golem, Beaver, Tangleroot, Rift Guardian, Phoenix, Olmlet, Skotizo, Tiny Tempor, Lil' Maiden
    If you'd like more information regarding this account, just send us a message!
    IMPORTANT: Please do not contact Jagex as they will disable the account due to the IP change.

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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