Selling  Rating 1000k+  Android 1.6M Rating 12.2K PI 1500 units well developed account for 200

Discussion in 'Marvel Contest of Champions Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Hasib Alislam, 6/21/22.

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  1. Hasib Alislam

    Hasib Alislam
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    11 Rank 3 6 stars. 35+ R5 5 stars and a good amount of catalyst so you can rank up other champions that you like. 1500 units, 2 mill gold, 20k 5 star shards and 8k 6 star shards. All acts fully explored except for act 6 and 100% labyrinth and a single completion of abyss. A good amount of potions and revives in stash as well so it's a good account to start on and keep progressing in the game. Can easily get into at least a gold or platinum level alliance depending on skill level

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