Selling Selling 9 lvl 85's every class except warlock is...

Discussion in 'WoW Accounts For Sale | Buy & Sell - World of Warcraft (US)' started by Thomas Sørnes, 7/27/11.

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  1. Thomas Sørnes

    Thomas Sørnes
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    Selling 9 lvl 85's every class except warlock is 85. (the warlock is lvl 82) 4 of them is hig end pvp geared, the remaining got some low tier pvp gear. But is mainly geared for Pve. Got 40k gold on the account, and its a total of 13 lvl 80 ++ and some lvl 70. /whisper me for offers! :p Aka Pm me :) or respond on this thread :) Best regards Thomas!
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  2. OP
    Thomas Sørnes

    Thomas Sørnes
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    Make an offer :)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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