Sold [Selling] 15 000 paragon us server for sale 1000 neg

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by rememberme69, 6/18/22.

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  1. rememberme69

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    Paragon 15 000 us server
    Craft material 1 450 000 +++
    Bounties mats 10 000+++
    Death breath 2 800 000+++
    Forgotten soul 3 750 000+++
    Gem Over 50 gem betwen 135-150 for caldesan
    Keys 50 000+++
    Insane end game account you got every character for the actual patch
    Primal Gear bank with every single character set and weapon with epic legendary primal
    Diablo 3 collector edition account
    Gold 16 350 000 000 000+++
    Barb gr 150 rank 3 Crusader gr 150 rank 1 Demon hunter gr 150 rank 3 Monk gr 150 rank 1 Necro gr 150 rank 2 Witch dortor gr 148 rank 2 Wizard gr 150 rank 1
    Coe x3 Squirt x1 and Traveler plegde x2 perfect roll cd cc adjustable type damage and alot of epic primal
    Cosmic wing and pack wings of the terror
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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