Selling  Europe  Deathblade  High End  Level 50+ [EU-KADAN] 1410 DEATHBLADE+1340 BERSERKER+1340 SHADOWHUNTER+1325 SORC

Discussion in 'Lost Ark Accounts Buy & Sell - LAO Account for Sale' started by LostArki21, 6/10/22.

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  1. LostArki21

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    My Location:
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    Selling My Lost Ark Steam account
    (game is still being actively played, screenshots below)
    PRICE : 250 EURO Buyout on Paypal F&F, buyer pays PP transaction fee, we can also do middleman if you pay the fee
    Roster Lvl 92
    Skillpoints on main : 333
    Good engravings, gems, epic and legendary runes (Bleed,Overwhelm,Wealth)
    Good character names.

    MAIN: Level 56 Deathblade 1410 Item Level -3/3/3/2 Engravings (Cursed Doll, Ambush Master, Surge,Remaining Energy), no negative engravings, Argos Set
    ALT: Level 52 Berserker 1340 Item Level -3/3/2 Engravings(Mayhem, Masters Tenacity, Ambush Master) - sitting on 119 Bound Honor Leapstones, 5x T3 Cube tickets and 3x T3 Boss Rush tickets
    ALT: Level 54 Shadowhunter 1340 Item Level - 3/3/2 Engravings (Hit Master, Adrenaline, Demonic Impulse) - sitting on 313 Bound Honor Leapstones, 18 Greater Honor Leapstones, 12x T3 Cube tickets and 10x T3 Boss Rush tickets
    ALT: Level 54 Sorceress 1325 Item Level - sitting on 70 Bound Honor Leapstones, 1x T3 Cube tickets

    Valuable stuff worth mentioning:

    Unused x1 Feiton Powerpass ticket (expires 6/30)
    Unused x1 [Event] Reskin Ticket (expires 9/28)
    Unused x1 Express Mission
    Active Crystaline Aura (expires 5/28)

    7 Milion Silver
    800 Royal Crystals
    x326 Phoenix Plume
    x199 Pheon

    Black Cone, Terpeion of the Shadow, Silver Combat Raptor, Neugier
    Unopened x1 Mount: Soul Vanguard Selection Chest
    Unopened x1 Mount: Mokoboard Selection Chest
    Unopened x1 Mount: Tropical Chamkuri Selection Chest

    - 6 various epic pets + 1 blue + Unopened 1x Moko Pet Selection Chest

    Full Abyss Omen skin set on main
    Unopened New Animal Skin Gift Package

    Unopened 55 x 500 Sailing Coin Selection Chest
    Unopened 1x 100 High Seas Coin Chest

    Unopened Engraving Pouches/Chests:
    x75 Uncommon Battle Engraving Recipe Selection Pouch
    x10 Uncommon Class Engraving Recipe Selection Chest
    x41 Rare Class Engraving Recipe Selection Chest
    x93 Rare Combat Engraving Recipe Selection Chest
    x45 Epic Class Engraving Recipe Selection Chest
    x11 Epic Combat Engraving Recipe Selection Chest

    Unopened Card Packs:
    x45 Any Card Pack
    x16 Normal Card Pack
    x39 Uncommon Card Pack
    x53 Rare Card Pack
    x13 Epic Card Pack
    x4 Legendary - Uncommon Card Pack
    x18 Legendary - Rare Card Pack
    x2 Legendary - Epic Card Pack
    x2 Legendary Card Pack
    x2 Legendary Card Pack Selection Chest
    + many already opened but not learned Uncommon, Rare, Epic and Legendary cards

    Eurus lvl 7 + Notos Shade Orca skin
    Estoque lvl5
    Ship parts for upgrades:
    Unopened x18 Ship Blueprint Selection Chest
    Unopened x5 Ship Material Chest
    Unopened x2 Ascendant Ship Parts Chest
    Unopened x2 Ascendant Ship Parts Chest II
    Unopened x6 Ascendant Ship Blueprint Selection Chest
    Unopened x1 Ascendant Ship Parts Chest III

    Unopened x53 Epic Rapport Selection Chest
    Unopened x4 Legendary Rapport Chest
    Unopened x7 Legendary Rapport Selection Chest
    Unopened x2 Relic Rapport Selection Chest

    x6 Stronghold Energy (S)
    x8 Stronghold Energy (M)

    Life Skill:
    x6 Papu Crab
    x15 Leap's Essence
    x14 Minor Life Energy Potion
    Unopened x1 Adept Craft Kit
    Unopened x1 Apprentice Craft Kit
    Unopened x3 x3000 Basic Life Energy Potion
    Unopened x1 Tool: Adept Trade Skill Tools Selection Chest (Bound)
    Unopened x6 Epic Trade Skill Tools Selection Chest

    Unopened 11x Magick Society Special Dye Chest

    x3 Una's Tasks [Daily] +1 (Instant Use)
    x22 Una's Tasks [Daily] Instant Completion Pass
    Unopened x15 Battle Items Chest
    Unopened 8x Buff Battle Item Chest

    Gear progression and honing:
    x8 Powder of Sage
    x2 Honing Special Material Selection Chest (Tier 1,2,3)
    x2 Honing Special Material Selection Chest (Tier 1,2)
    x10 T2 [Event] Tailoring: Basic Knots - Expire on 5/19
    x2 T2 [Event] Metallurgy: Basic Folding - Expire on 5/19
    x3 T3 [Event] Metallurgy: Basic Welding - Expire on 5/19
    x16 T3 [Event] Tailoring: Basic Mending - Expire on 5/19

    Contact me for more information and pictures:

    GMAIL: [email protected]
    MOBILE: +1(408)477-8235

    DISCORD: republicka#6930
    INSTAGRAM: republicka6930

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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