Selling WTS EPIC RR100 MARA , RR100 BG and RR100 Kotbs ON...

Discussion in 'Warhammer Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Warface Accounts - Buy Sell Trade, 8/9/13.

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  1. Warface Accounts - Buy Sell Trade

    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

    WTS EPIC RR100 MARA , RR100 BG and RR100 Kotbs ON KN The Mara and the BG are on the Same Account the E-mail is connected with the Kotbs (Kotbs are on another account) MARA Armor: WF 5/5 OFF WF 5/5 DEFF DF 5/5 OFF DF 5/5 DEFF Souv 8/8 DEFF Tyrannt 3/6 (chest, shoulder, boots) Weapons: 4x rr100 axe OFF (2x for chosen for appearance) 2x rr100 axe DEFF 1x rr98 3 crit axe 1x ako ka with 90 Meele power, 10 crit (Tomb axe - off) 1x ako ka with 10 Parry and Soul of the warlord King (tomb axe - deff) rare objects: * 5/5 Glyphs * Cloak with 3 Talisman Slots (Funerary shroud of Khutep) * Cloak with 3 Talisman Slots - 180 Armor, 24 Wounds, 24 Thougnes (Funerary shroud of Settra) * Endless Skull whithe Dye (Box of Endless Dye: skull white) * Steamtank whistle * Captain's Chronometer * Aviator Goggles Pocket Items: * Meele absorb (golden ankrha) * Magic absorb (golden eye of Rah-Nutt * No block/Parry (crook of Radiance) * 5% (Greater Ruddy Talisman) * Edge Stone (Event) Many High and expensive Pots !! And more armor pieces like Belt cloak.. On The Sets and Weapons Only 24's Talismans, 180 Armor, 4 crit ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Black Guard Armor: 8/8 WF - off/deff 1DF - chest off 8/8 Souv - deff 3/8 souv - off Weapons: rr100 2Hand deff rr98 2Hand off rr100 shield lotd weapon with - 8 block and absorb talis rare objects: * Scroll of bindin (Evnt) * Box of endless Dye: Skull white * Well-mounted Skull (Event) * Aviators Goggles * 5% Greater Ruddy Talisman * Edge Stone * Neffera's Plagues * Tzzentch Familiar Weaponskill / Thougnes (Boots pack) and some belts, cloaks .. Armor: 8/8 WF - off/deff 1 DF - chest off 8/8 Souv - deff 3/8 souv - off Weapons: rr100 2Hand deff rr98 2Hand off rr100 shield lotd weapon with - 8 block and absorb talis rare objects: * Scroll of bindin (Evnt) * Box of endless Dye: Skull white * Well-mounted Skull (Event) * Aviators Goggles * 5% Greater Ruddy Talisman * Edge Stone * Neffera's Plagues * Tzzentch Familiar Weaponskill / Thougnes (Boots pack) and some belts, cloaks .. The rr100 WF quest is at 98 almost 99 need 1 thing to do ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Kotbs is Like BG .. Pls pm me your offers , for faster comm. add me on Skype: Yili.Salva
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