Sold Get cookies for all your accounts for easy and safe automation | Mass account warmup service

Discussion in 'Twitter Services for Sale - Buy Services' started by billyr, 6/3/22.

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  1. billyr

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    Twitter Veteran
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    Get cookies for all your accounts for easy and safe automation

    This service will login to all your Twitter accounts using undetectable full browser automation techniques and the highest quality residential proxies. You will receive cookies that can be readily used with most automation packages. As opposed to some, we can login to many accounts that require manual intervention when using old-school techniques. It won't just save you time, but it will likely extend account longevity and reduce lockout risk vs outdated techniques.

    We support both our quality aged accounts and accounts from 3rd party providers. If you're working with our accounts you get an absolute 100% success guarantee. Logins to accounts from 3rd party providers will be executed on best effort basis.

    Supported email providers: Gmail, Hotmail, Gmx, Yahoo, Aol

    Requirements for 3rd party accounts:
    - must NOT be PVA (phone verified)
    - must come with email access
    - the email address must be from one of the supported providers
    - must be older than 2 years

    If your accounts don't meet the criteria above, we cannot help you because of the likely high ban rate.

    NOTE: if you DO have a capable automation pipeline in place, it's always more ideal to handle logins yourself so that the login and ongoing use techniques match up. This service is meant for people who are just getting started or are having issues with their automation setup.

    Playerup's middleman:
    $2 per account
    [click here to order 100 logins now]

    Direct crypto payment:
    $1 per account

    (message @BuyTwitterForce on Telegram)

    Our premium aged account deals (best compatibility with this service):
    10-pack $69
    50-pack $290
    100-pack $445

    1,000-pack $2850

    For the fastest service, please message @BuyTwitterForce on Telegram now!
    Alternatively, email [email protected] or send us a message on playerup!

    #1 billyr, 6/3/22
    Last edited: 6/3/22
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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