Resolved Remove fake feedback from a scammer who did the PayPal refund scam 2 times

Discussion in 'Feedback - Open A Claim' started by QLC, 5/15/22.

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  1. QLC

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    Discord: Quim#3389
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    How to Report a Feedback Dispute
    Please fill out all 6 questions below. You must provide proof or your claim cannot be validated.

    1. Date Dispute Happened

    The sale was on 25th January 2022, the scam at 13th May 2022

    2. Are You The Buyer or Seller


    3. Total Transaction Value

    375 EUR (outsite sale)

    4. Other Members Username
    <-- This guy is the fake feedback and scammer

    5. Why Should The Feedback Be Removed

    This guy claimed a PayPal refund in an account correctly transferred, is a scammer. I'm sharing the transfer video below which demonstrate all of it. Unfortunatelly the original owner not told me that it happened, answered the dispute in a wrong way and lost the dispute, when if talked to me before it probably would have won the dispute. Now he has some days to appellate it and try to win the dispute still. In next section I show all the info. So not only the negative feedback must be removed, the user must be banned and, if is possible, also ban the IP and all next feedbacks he publishes.

    6. Provide All Chat Logs, Screenshots and Additional Information Below

    Here the video about the transfer correctly done:

    Then the owner appeared 4 months later telling me that the buyer claimed a refund:



    Then also opened a dispute to me about my fee to recover all the money:


    So this guy is not only disturbing and trolling, also scamming.

    From now, to prevent it, in my sales all the buyers who want use PayPal will pay me directly as "friend" and then I will pay the owner as "goods or service", by this way if something happens I will manage myself the dispute, will not be possible open a fake dispute to recover the money when you got the account correctly.

    Another 5 times other guys tryied it, but as I showed to PayPal all the proof I won all disputes. But I'm bored about it, specially now that I will start to help to sell accounts in other games, not only the current game where I'm helping (SWGoH), also other games, so my sales will be increased a lot, some with PlayerUp Middleman (I sold more than 50 accounts though PlayerUp Middleman services), others without it, when are outsite sales will be needed send me the money first, as friend, and the buyer will not be able to apply the PayPal refund scam, something that Middleman knows very well, as we talked by Discord (with PlayerUp Middleman) about it, PayPal is currently not available as payment method for the buyer precisely for the same reason I'm talking about, because this scam that happened there and that another 5 guys tried, this is the first time it worked, because the owner not asked me the help before reply the dispute, but to prevent it, next time we will only accept payments if they pay as friend to me first, nothing more.

    Furthermore, this guy (Pennywise) applied the same thing 3 times as total. The first time was valid, as I sold him an account and the owner not told the truth about nobody had access to it, we discovered was not true and we fixed it, we removed the access of the original owner, and he continued playing, but 3-4 days after he requested a refund on PayPal, and we accepted it, also requested a refund in my fee and I accepted it, as he delivered back the account, so PayPal not needed analyse the dispute, we accepted it. But the second time he said the previous owner some day used hacks in the account, which is very strange, I thought not offer him again the chance to use my services, because was very suspicious situation that when he gets the control of the account, few days after he says got banned because some day it used hacks. In my opinion, he is who used hacks and for this reason got banned, as the accounts not get banned if are not reported, so probably got reported and got banned, but probably he won the PayPal dispute anyway, I don't know as he is who found the owner, not me, so I not had active contact with the owner, simply I helped in the account transaction. I asked some minutes ago if he lost the money also. Maybe he not got banned, he told a story which is not true and still has the account.




    So as you can see it seems this guy is learning how to scam with PayPal disputes and probably is applying the same thing in different games, getting the account, correctly transferred, and then claiming a refund with some fake story.

    Later talked with the first guy with he tried that thing and said he won the dispute:


    So it seems the truth is Pennywise was who was using hacks as lost the dispute or he closed it because he used hacks.

    To prevent this PayPal scam, in my sales from now only will be possible pay the accounts as friend to me first and then I will pay as goods to the owner, will be the best way to not have this problem again.

    So this guy must be banned, not needed wait his reply, is clear there, and my fake feedback removed.
    #1 QLC, 5/15/22
    Last edited: 5/15/22
  2. sgtjackyboy90

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    U are avoiding the fact that u lost the account on process of selling it and admit it too.
    Also not helped in recovery and trolled around.

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  3. sgtjackyboy90

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    If u recover it i will be more than happy to refund the seller.
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  4. OP

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    The second things is another different thing, as this account was transferred correctly and you played it during several months, so you cannot request a refund for it. When you tried sell it and appeared a bug is not my bad, if you did yourself the same proces would be the same bug, as demonstrates that this account nobody connected in last 3 months, so if you want claim o send some negative feedback, send it to Google or SWGoH admins, not to me or previous owners who transferrec correctly, so you are not telling the truth in this feedback, I sold you another 2 accounts, in the first you requested a refund 3 days after we removed the access of the first owner, and in the second also you wanted sell it again 3 days later, you continued playing 1 week and then you requested a refund instead, saying the account got banned because of hacks, when you are who used hacks and for this reason got banned, so you are a scammer and a hacker, 2 bad things for this site, so you must be banned and my feedback removed.
  5. sgtjackyboy90

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    The feedback is about u losing the account.
    No evidence of me # something and the only Paypal contestation i opened i closed because I wasn t sure if it was banned cause of ur poor process or something seller side so i choose to not go on
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  6. sgtjackyboy90

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    The only proof is u losing 375 worth account in ur process and cause loss of money to me and to the seller.
    Bad feedback deserved
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  7. OP

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    Discord: Quim#3389
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    LOOOL now you saying your account got banned because my poor process :laughing: I did more than 1000 transfers, how many negative feedbacks you see? lol everyone can see my good process in the video I published, you got banned in the game because you used hacks, say you are a hacker only because of use hacks is too much, but you did more illegal things and you must be banned, there is not reason to keep an account which not connected in the game in more than 4 months, easy to proof you not connected in 4 months in the second account you bought, the same you claimed a refund and you lost the dispute or you closed it as you saw you were going to lose it, so you are a hacks man and a scammer. My only bad process is allow the buyers pay directly the owners as goods or service, for the 180 days buyer protection, as PayPal it seems not helps a lot, they help the scammers like you, so from now in my method will not be possible anymore apply your scam, but also is not my bad, is the PayPal bad, as PayPal got the video from the owner and they did anything, they not check videos it seems, their check process is very bad, anyone can claim a correctly transferred item and get the money back, so PayPal is not good for owners, the best will be first I receive the money as "friend" in my PayPal, and then I send as "goods or service" to the owners, by this way I will make the decision about if is correct request a refund, not scammers like you.
    #7 QLC, 5/19/22
    Last edited: 5/19/22
  8. sgtjackyboy90

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    Let s start with i won t do business with u anymore for sure.
    Evidences of u losing the account are there....furthermore I add screens of him threatening me to pay for the bad fb if i wanted help after months of not doing nothing to retrieve the account, after he said he would.

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  9. sgtjackyboy90

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    Now u can say all the wall of text u want in ur poor written English and without even a meaning if I can say.....
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  10. OP

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    Some screenshots (some from the video) about this scammer and hacker who claims refunds about correctly delivered items or accounts which got banned because he used hacks lol hope is banned soon and my negative feedback removed.

  11. sgtjackyboy90

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    No proves in every screenshot that I'm an hacker or a scammer again.
    Only false accusations and also not related to ur fault losing my account.
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  12. sgtjackyboy90

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    And this is another example of all the threats he made to me in all this time.
    I think he deserves also a ban since he can risk to potentially lose other people s account and money.

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  13. sgtjackyboy90

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    Second screen

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  14. OP

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    Well this is your problem, since the beginning you saying I lost the account, which is not true lol I lost no account, appeared a bug and disappeared in the guest account and appeared a different account, I did literally around 1.000 transfers and never happened before this bug, is a new thing I didn't know it happens on Android transfers, maybe is a Google Play bug, Facebook. bug or SWGoH bug, but is a bug at all, I not lost the account, so all you say is bullshit, useless, the only thing I did is try to help, I told you the procedure to recover it, I told you you need keep talking with support until talk with some employeer who knows the correct method, and you only did 2 or 3 chats in 3 months and you think that with it is enough LOL is needed keep trying, not only 2 or 3 times, specially because the first or second time you tried they asked a guest account not linked to Google Play to move there the lost account, and I did a guest account for you to talk again with the same person and replace that guest account by the lvl 85 account, but you are a very lazy man, the only thing you did all this time is complain, nothing more, saying I lost the account, when was a bug, everyone can add the ally code of that account in their allies and check the connection time, where says nobody connected in the account in 3 months, in some place you said I stolen it, which is not true lol as demonstrates the connection time, nobody connected, so I not sold it again, I not have negative feedbacks until this happened, adding up eNPC I have almost 140 positive feedbacks, 100% positive, after around 1.000 transfer I did, so I lost nothing, if a bug happened is not my problem, is a problem of the game, go to complain on Google, Facebook., SWGoH, but don't lie saying I'm not a trusted seller, as this is not true lol and this thing harms PlayerUp as you are harming the sellers with no reason.

    The only true thing here is that you are a scammer, as you claimed a refund in a correct transferred account. If later you wanted sell it and appeared a bug, the user PresidenteScrotto has no fault there, is not his problem, so you clearly did a scam, taking advantage about a bad site like PayPal which helps the scammers to recover the money from well transferred digital items, so you deserve no word in this site.

    And you are a hacker, as you claimed a refund in the second account when they banned you because you used hacks lol and now you want say is because of my method, more lies, as you see nobody published a negative feedback because the account got banned because of account transfer, it not happens in my method, because it only happens when you continue using the same Store with different prices than your country, specialli if are cheaper, but in all my transfers, the accounts are transferred to a new mail with the correct prices in the Store, so if you buy something you use your own prices and not gets banned, so is sure not got banned because of my method, never happens, and neither because the previous owner used hacks, as the devs don't ban players if are not reported, probably you used hacks in Grand Arena, someone noticed it and reported you, and then got banned, so not only you are a scammer, also you are a hacker, 2 bad things for this site lol

    So allow negative feedbacks from a scammer and a hacker would generate a very bad reputation for this site. Later I will publish more things about your previous scams, hacks, refunds and other frauds.
  15. sgtjackyboy90

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    Here s all the chat i have done with cs.....keep talking bs man

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  16. sgtjackyboy90

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    At this point i stop writing since it s useless and all evidences are there.
    Player up will decide about ur fb.
    Don t want to waste all my days about this lol.
    Have a nice life
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  17. sgtjackyboy90

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    The only solution i can provide is u recover the account and relink it to my mail (thing that u had to do in first place) then i will help to link it back to owner( i will prove it with screens here).....or, if u can t recover, u refund the owner, refund me about ur fee and take ur responsability in losing the account (it s ur fault not a bug).
    #17 sgtjackyboy90, 5/22/22
    Last edited: 5/22/22
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  18. sgtjackyboy90

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    Here s a screen of him admitting cheating lol

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  19. sgtjackyboy90

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    Banned on the other site....pls ban him here too for #.

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  20. Hulk

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    Well this thread is over a feedback dispute and the other party has provided substantial evidence supporting it's valid feedback. For that reason, the feedback will stand and remain active until the matter is resolved with the other party where he has the option to remove it on his end.
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