Selling    Pokemon Unite Master Account | S2 S3 Battlepass | All Items Max Grade |Rare Skins | 55 winrate |

Discussion in 'Pokemon Unite Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell Account' started by joboico, 5/20/22.

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  1. joboico

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    Hi! I sell this account because i need money for some reasons.

    This is my main account, I had a lot of experience and memories within it. With this account I learned how to play a good game, but unfortunately, I need to sell this.

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    Over 55% Winrate

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    I have almost every held item that reach Max Grade (every item that u need to play with it), they are:
    - Muscle Band
    - Scope Lens
    - Razor Claw
    - Focus Band
    - Buddy Barrier
    - Score Shield
    - Attack Weight
    - Weakness Policy
    - Choice Specs

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    Some of items didn't reach Max Grade:
    - Wise Glasses (Lv. 25)
    - Sp. Attack Specs (Lv. 20)
    - Float Stone (Lv. 15)
    - Shell Bell (Lv. 11)
    - Leftovers (Lv. 10)
    - Assault Vest (Lv. 10)
    - Exp. Share (Lv. 6)

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    Now, I have over 31K Coins, 140 Gems, 18.151 Aeos Tickets, 541 Fashion Tickets, and 108 Holowear Tickets.

    Some of Holowears:
    - Cinderace: Space Style
    - Pikachu: Festival Style, Hiphop Style, and Concert Style.
    - Slowbro: Bonfire Style, and Gardening Style
    - Gengar: Space Style, and Theater Style
    - Absol: Dark Suit Style, Sacred Style, Fashionable Style
    - Garchomp: Stakeout Style, Beach Style, and Masquerade Style
    - Lucario: Space Style
    - Crustle: Shrine Style
    - Greninja: Fashionable Style
    - Talonflame: Pilot Style
    - Trevenant: Happi Style
    - Decidueye: Star Cloak Style
    - Tsareena: Concert Style
    - Greedent: Training Style
    - Eldegoss: Big Ribbon Style, Space Style, Pokebuki Style
    - Wigglytuff: Pastel Style
    - Machamp: Excavation Style
    - Blissey: Sweet Style
    - Snorlax: Berry Style
    - Mamoswine: Knight Style

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    If you are interested in this account, don't be hesitate to add me on discord idealisx#5733. We can do something like chat-in-game or something else to make you sure that I am not doing any scam. Thank you!

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    #1 joboico, 5/20/22
    Last edited: 5/21/22
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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