Selling Age of wushu wudang Divine c6 gold, snow sword, blue dragon

Discussion in 'Age of Wushu Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Derwyn Herrera, 9/18/15.

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  1. Derwyn Herrera

    Derwyn Herrera
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    Age of wushu wudang Divine c6 gold, snow sword, blue dragon
    hello, the account is a Divine Wudang located in Blue Dragon server.

    Lets talk a litle about Meridians:

    Emei = lvl144
    Wanderer Valley = lvl180 +48 spirit in artifact up to +120
    Beggars = lvl144
    Wudang = lvl180 +200 Energy up to +800
    Scholars = lvl144
    Tangmen = lvl108
    Royal Guard = lvl108
    Shaolin = lvl144
    Jianghu Internal = 45
    Jianghu External = 45

    517 Fives Aggregates and Demon Subduing Items. (Enough for another meridians to 144 or get more and get 180 meridian)

    pretty decents Meridians, set up to get max dmg output with internal skills, as you can see in pics decent amount of Breath and spirit.

    Lets talk about Skills:

    The account got ALOT of skills, i could spent all day here writing it haha, got alot of complete set and alot of skills, ill post here the Cash Shop skill he got, i and mentions the importants:


    Dragon Subduing Slap
    Drunken Fist

    Single Sword:

    Mozi`s Sword
    ----SNOW SWORD--- COMPLETE SET ALL lvl3 Except Knockdown lvl4.

    Dual Sword:

    NIne Palace Sword (MY favorite, LVL10 all, ALOT OF DMG)
    Seven Star Sword

    Twin Blades:

    Shura Blade

    Well here are mostly the cash shops skills, it got alot skills from others schools, the importants ones, besides the obviously Flying Horse and Circle the Moon, he got Turn Weapon Arround, Far and Remove, alot of Alchemy.

    Got 4th set skill, also, all skills, only Open Taichi (SCHOOL ONE) Lvl 6.

    Breeze Sword was my favorite school skill, got it Rage and Pure Spring Flow lvl9 rest lvl7-8 Perfect to dmg deal in instances.

    More question about skills? Ask Me

    About the Gear:

    FULL GOLD CLASS 06 nice stats and Defense, if you know how to play and got decent ping you will have no problem beating full jade guys, i was able to, with that dmg ouput pluss inner, crits with Nine palace were from 3.5-4k with slow and knockdown, Rage up to 1.2k crit per hit, all this depending on defense and inner of enemy.

    About Treasures got the set up for Crit + Dmg,

    Internal Attack Critical Hit Damage +15%
    Internal Attack Critical Hit Rate +2%

    Internal Attack Critical Hit Damage +13%
    Internal Attack Critical Hit Rate +2%

    Internal Attack Critical Hit Damage +16%
    Internal Attack Critical Hit Rate +2%

    Internal Attack Critical Hit Damage +14%
    Internal Attack Critical Hit Rate +3%

    Internal Attack Critical Hit Damage +13%
    Internal Attack Critical Hit Rate +3%

    also got External ones but basics, with Resillence and External critical hit Damage.

    got more question about Gears, ask me.

    About Weapons:

    Flute Cheff Gold Class 06 Damage Upgrade x 5 and 1 Break parry upgrade.
    Sword Blacksmith Gold Class 06 3 x Damage Upgrade and 3 x Breeze Sword Rage
    Twin Daggers Gold Class 06 Damage Upgrade x 5 and 1 Break Parry Upgrade
    Twin Sword Gold Class 06 Damage Upgrade x 5 and 1 Break Parry Upgrade
    Twin Blades Gold Class 05 Damage Upgrade x 5 and 1 Break Parry Upgrade
    got more question about Weapon? Ask me.

    About Weapon manuals:

    Twin Sword +400 dmg increase
    Sword +244 dmg increase

    rest pretty much low.

    Items of Interest:
    150 Jade Fragmets in Bank
    23 Superior Weapon manuals
    Challenge orders to get more weapon manuals (more if you use the reset with double weap manual)
    Jade Chest class 04

    Well guys, this is a really decent account, i put alot of effort on it, i remember with special care the journey to get all Snow Sword skills, i farmed like crazy that set and invest alot of time getting it, one of my favorite Sets.

    i know that it dont got any ancients but even without it, my account is well know by alot of people, they know how hard can he hit, participate in so many fights and my name is still remember, hope the person who buy it take alot of care of this account.

    This account is perfect for someone who dont want to start from the beginning, got a really good base and can improve the account alot also, with litle time can get the inner to max, or betray to be in another schools, he can belong to any faction, rootless, or peach Blossom, any.

    about the price, well this is something i like to talk with the person, for reference if someone offers me 270$USD ill sell.

    its a pretty good account and his power is so much above the average, that means you can kill 75% ppl in the game.
    the payment i preffer is Amazon Gift Card, also accept Bitcoins, but Strongly Preffer Amazon Gift Card.

    if you got any other question just ask, or add me [email protected] in Skype. take care



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  2. OP
    Derwyn Herrera

    Derwyn Herrera
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    BTW he got Sword, Dual Blade and Dual Sword 2nd star LORE.
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    Derwyn Herrera

    Derwyn Herrera
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    last offer 170USD$ anyone give lil more?, some people have told me about the difficulties in paying with Amazon Gift Card, well besides its pretty simple the Gift Card proccess, not all have Credit card, so there is a website calledeGifter | Our Gift Cards in that website you guys can select the option to send gift card to a friend, select the amazon gift card, my email and all done, in that website is possible to pay with Paypal or Bitcoin. so still hearing some offers

    also the account has the Golden Budha Palm skill set (Cash Shop) very nice internal set
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  4. ltasi025

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    Are you still selling that account?
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    Derwyn Herrera

    Derwyn Herrera
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    Hello, the account is already sold, i still got avaliable the Beggar Shock with Jade class 05 also cheap ^^
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  6. ltasi025

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    What skill sets come with the account?
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    Derwyn Herrera

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  8. ltasi025

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    Good account, what's your offer for this account? I was really looking at the snow sword set....
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  9. OP
    Derwyn Herrera

    Derwyn Herrera
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    the last offer for the beggar account was 130$ you can offer some more and we can do the trade this night or tomorrow.
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