Selling  Level 120+  Total Level 2500+ RS3 Main | 2898 total level | 200m Herb exp | 15.3b Wealth

Discussion in 'Runescape 3 RS3 Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Niight21, 5/5/22.

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  1. Niight21

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    Hi everyone,

    I'm selling my RS3 account.
    It's just sitting there gathering dust and I'm not playing anymore.
    The account has been maxed, all 120 skills are also 120.
    It also features 200m herblore exp and 50m runecrafting exp.

    The account has 15.3b total wealth, 10.7b of which is tradable.
    It also owns all t92 armours and bis boots, gloves, ammy's and rings.
    All t92 armours have been perked out with bis-perks.
    Also most abilities have been unlocked, including T99 prayers.
    There are also still some weapons on the account:
    - Ek zekkil
    - Khopeshes
    - ZGS
    - Nox
    - Masterwork Spear
    - Asc's
    - SOS
    - Inq Staff.
    None of the weapons are augmented a.t.m. I did not get back into PvP during the last time playing.
    There are also 12 golden partyhats (1 in keepsake box) on the account.

    The account is also a premier club member for 2022, so it still has 8 months of mem remaining.

    Let me know your offer, the price can be discussed.

    2.jpg 1.jpg 3.jpg
    #1 Niight21, 5/5/22
    Last edited: 5/5/22
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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