Selling  Level 120+  Total Level 2500+ RS3 Main | 2080 Tot |143 QP |90 Att |95 Str |99 Def | 98 Range|99 Magic|Rare Pets|[customertest05]

Discussion in 'Runescape Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Chicks Training, 4/26/22.

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  1. Chicks Training

    Chicks Training
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    5 Year Veteran
    Combat Level: 138
    Total Level: 2942
    Quest Points: 413
    Featured Quests: Sliske's Endgame, The Light Within, Jack of Spades, Plague’s End, River of Blood, Temple of Senntisten, Desert Treasure
    Featured Items: Augmented Kalphite Defender, Sirenic Hauberk, Sirenic Chaps, Imcando Mattock, Superior Tetsu Body, Superior Tetsu Legs, Enhanced Excalibur, Custom-fit Trimmed Masterwork Platebody, Custom-fit Trimmed Masterwork Platelegs, TokHaar-Kal-Mej, Amulet of Souls, Blood Amulet of Fury, Ring of Death, 23.8k Armour Spikes, Demonhorn Necklace, Reaper Necklace, Lucky Bandos Godsword, Chaotic Maul, Off-hand Chaotic Crossbow, Spring Cleaner, Illuminated Book of Wisdom, Charms, Grace of the Elves
    Pets: Jungle Gorilla, Lil' Tuzzy, Vindiddy, Dojo Mojo, Willow, Gordie, Brains, Bubbles, Rocky, Rue, Crabbe, Ralph, Woody, Morty, Sparky, Ghostly, Newton, Archie





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