Selling WTS: EQ2 - 90 Troub, 130AA / 78 bruiser, Splitpaw...

Discussion in 'EverQuest Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell EQ Account' started by EQ Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/23/13.

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  1. EQ Accounts - Buy and Sell

    EQ Accounts - Buy and Sell
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    WTS: EQ2 - 90 Troub, 130AA / 78 bruiser, Splitpaw Want to sell 3 year old EQ2 account (Splitpaw) with the following; 90 Troub Woodelf Female Good 130 AA 200p Some fabled jewelry from 90 instances, Thurgadin armor. 78 Bruiser Darkelf Female Evil 100 AA Good gear for lvl. 3 other chars on account between 20 - 50. DoV expansion but no AoD. Also have 2 7 year old accounts that I would consider selling for the right price. Both have lvl 90 chars, 150 AA good gear. Looking for GBP150 / $250 dollars. WTS: EQ2 Level 90 Defiler 300 AA's, Butcherblock server Want to sell my account or character. Level 90 defiler, Freeblood race, 300 AA's. All expansions except the new one, Age of Discovery. Over 200 crit mit and over 200 crit chance. Very good raid gear and 750 plat (not awesome gear, but very good). I'm looking for $700. Send me a message or reply if your interested. WTS: Eq2 87 sk 73 necro 63 bruiser CHEAP Want to sell my eq2 account cheap, Has around 100 plat on the account gear is your basic questing lvl'ing gear! It is not active anymore for it just ended. The chars are all on Oasis account. I'am the orignal owner of account and have all the information. I started playing Eq1 again is why i gave up on eq2, i would be willing to take eq1 plat as a trade on the FV server or an empty account with atleast most of the expanisons, or will sell the account for $40.00 has all expansions except for the newest one. Message me looking to let it go quick. As you can see i have 100% postive rating and will keep it that way. WTB: EQ2 WTS Account 90 Assassin/90 Mystic MYTHICAL Want to sell this account, with both a 90 assassin and 90 mystic both with their mythicals and various raid gear. looking to sell fast because I gotta catch up on some bills so don't be afraid to entertaining all offers! Everfrost forum and doesn't have the new xpac GoK? not sure WTS: 90 war/90 wizard magelo link included warrior eq.magelo/profile/1413093 unfortunatly dont have wizard...
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