Selling WTS: Selling all my EQ accounts Multiple accounts...

Discussion in 'EverQuest Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell EQ Account' started by EQ Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/25/13.

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  1. EQ Accounts - Buy and Sell

    EQ Accounts - Buy and Sell
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    WTS: Selling all my EQ accounts Multiple accounts for sale on bert server War lvl 90 full HOT geared 2500 plus aas ( numerous alts ) account 1 Shm lvl 88 HOT gear in bank for lvl 90 low aas account 2 Dru lvl 85 SOF geared low aas account 3 all acounts have vet rewards and all have exspansions upto House of thule Make me an Offer for each seperatly or as a bundle .....thank you WTB: EQ2 Dirge or Troub (EQ2) Must be lvl 90 with at least 250 AAs and Epic Repercussions done or at least Fabled epic done. Must be transferable (remember you can transfer from PVP servers now as well). No requirements of expansions on the account, but must ofc. have SF to have the 250 AAs etc. Paying fairly well, max of 100 USD depending on armor/plat/factions/AAs etc. WTS: lvl 90 illy 5+ years vet rewards $80!! only looking to get 80 dollars for my lvl 90 illy if interested message me WTS: Selling accounts oops! should have put the class and level in the description but was distracted. I have the following account as well as one more with multiple level 85+ that I'll post later. I have decided to quit EQ permanently and wanted to throw my accounts up for sale as it seems too bad to let them go to waste. On my first account I have a level 90 sk with 15559 aa spent (All Tabs maxed out). AC unbuffed - 7423 HP unbuffed - 58221 Mana unbuffed - 49369 Endurance unbuffed - 49182 750 to all resists unbuffed 2733 attack unbuffed 45% worn haste 25% worn hate mod 8% dodge modifier aug All important slot three augs to improve spells Special AA - Lesson of the Devoted and Infusion of the Faithful. Embrace of the Keepers, Gift of the Keepers, Power of the Keepers, Sanctity of the Keepers and Valor of the Keepers (fully DoN flagged for innate stats and crits). All Glyphs are bought and ready to be used. Torment of Blood 3/5. Keys: SoF - Key - Crystallos Base SoF - Key - Crystallos Raid SoF - Key - Mansion Base SoF - Key - Mansion Raid Depths of Darkhollow - Matriarch Shyra, Bloodeye...
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