Selling  Stage 1-20 Duel Links Day 1 account played for 3 years straight (atacked account)

Discussion in 'Yu-Gi-Oh! Yugioh Duel Links Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Ignaceous, 4/12/22.

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  1. Ignaceous

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    I played DL since day 1 and played it regularly for 3 years.. (1048) days is a lot however i got burned out and i left the game and stopped playing it because of other reasons too, I have like 40,000 cards in my account

    Multiple Decks that are at least 90-100% completed, i can't mention them all because that would be a lot but i will mention some
    Blue Eyes
    Magnet Warrior
    Harpie (Tier 1 deck, it is on Tier 2 right now but it has survived for so long and still going strong)
    Dark Magician
    Black Wings (My favorite one and it is fully completed i think and it is one of the most expensive deck to build in DL)
    Crystron (only missing the SR trap card you need, the rest i have it)
    Dinos (Multiple decks you can build around)
    Ancient Gear
    Heroes (i don't have all the cards you need to build a perfect heroes deck but then again, Heroes deck never reached a Tier but even still i have like 80% of the deck)
    Spell Book

    There's two UR Dream tickets to be used and two SR Dream ticket, there's like 3 skills selector in my inventory and other goods, there's a lot of characters you can use to farm for gems, i don't have all the characters since i stopped playing after 3 years but i have got enough, i have added screenshot of what i own and what i do not.

    There's a lot of Meta Staples, you can see them in the portfolio i provided, there's just tons of stuff like (Mats and Card Sleeves and other goodies)

    I have spent quite a lot in this game and used to be my main game until i stopped, so now i am just selling it for a reasonable price

    My discord is Ignaceous#8980

    Message me for price and other information you need in regard to the account, and here's the link for the portfolio

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