Selling  PS4  Badges Boost  1-96 Hours Apex Legends: 4k Badge 20 Kill Badges | Season 12 | PS4 Only

Discussion in 'Apex Legends Boost - Buy Apex Boosting & Cary Services' started by HzkariWorks, 4/6/22.

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  1. HzkariWorks

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    My Location:
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    Buy Now Link:
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    *Please get in contact with me before purchasing*

    Discord: HzkariWorks#0300

    Instagram.: HzkariWorks

    Why should I trust you?
    • Get in touch with me! I am a very friendly person, down to earth person. We can talk through discord or Instagram. (as listed above), so basically you can be the judge yourself.

    • I aim to keep this as professional as possible, before any payments are made, all demands must be made clear, so all parties are kept happy.
    How does it work:

    Before the transaction

    • I want you to feel ensured that your account is safe in my hands, you may feel better if you set up 2FA (two factor authentication)
    • If you have 2FA set up, you will have to send me the authentication code when I am logging in for the first time, otherwise I will not be able gain access to your account.
    • If you would like to buy through me directly through payments such as Cashapp or Paypal, Please contact me.

      What platforms can you offer?
    • PS4 Only
    What are the time scales?
    • Anywhere between 1-5 Business Days.
    Anything else to consider?
    • Please keep in mind that you cannot play on your account whilst I am fulfilling your request!
    Once payment is received, message the following requirements:

    • You will need to send me your account details so I can log into your account and any requests you might have. I will need to know which badge and which legend you would like me to get the badge on.

    • I will then complete the job and as soon as the request is complete, I will send you a message alerting you of this, remove your account from my Playstation and everything will be complete, it is as simple as that!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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