Selling  Global  Linked  Android and iOS  High End Epic 7 (Global) End Game Account Lvl 70, 51 Nat 5 14 ML 5 8000+ Sky Stones and 150+ Bookmarks

Discussion in 'Epic Seven Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell Epic7 Account' started by Kaarmaxz, 4/3/22.

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  1. Kaarmaxz

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    Selling Epic Seven Account, the account is verified but I can give you the login for it. (I don't use the account anymore)

    Account has all limited heroes except for Diene, Celine and Holiday Yufine.

    Includes 6*: Kayron, Kawerik, Melissa, Luna, Krau, Seaside Bellona, Violet, Landy, Pavel, Watcher Shuri, Champion Zerato, Rem, Dizzy, Baiken, Celine, Judge Kise, Belian, Angel Of Light Angelica, Maid Chloe, Martial Artist Ken, Fallen Cecilia, Pirate Captain Flan, Tempest Surin.

    Includes 5* Cermia, Ilynav, 2 Lilias, Elphelt, Tamarinne, Luluca, Auxiliary Lots, Sinful Angelica, Milim, Eda, Fairytail Tenebria, Emilia, Designer Lilibet, Jack-O, Rimiru, 2 Sigrets, Vildred, Destina, 2 Sol , Kawerik, Shuna, Flan, Ram.

    Includes ML 4* Troublemaker Crozet, Crimon Armin, Guider Aither, Blaze Dingo, Great Chief Khawana, Assassin Cidd, Assassin Coli.

    380+ Leifs, 86 Million gold, 8000+ Sky stones Decent amount of 4 and 5 star phantasma's, Master III in Arena, a lot fo catalyst and 43+ mola gora, a lot of nat 5 artifacts and limited artifacts, 8-7 in Eureka for adventure, 84 abyss.

    Discord: Jasonn#7277 if interested
    #1 Kaarmaxz, 4/3/22
    Last edited: 4/3/22
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