Selling  High End   Original Owner (Yes) Perm 120 Ranger / 105 wiz / 105 HK (diff acc all ) alot SC items/gems/+10/+12 alot good stuff

Discussion in 'Fiesta Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by mpower, 4/1/22.

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  1. mpower

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    My Location:
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    1: 105 Wiz account with fully geared +10 105blues & manticore +12 staff !! and also samy +5 on it and alot sc items also perm auras, marine suit perm, black/blue wings perms and alot more
    2. 120 ranger fully geared +10 120's & 120 leg xbow +12 ! ++ CRITERION XBOW!!! theres alot sc items free like repair kits, rants alot, charms and alot more!!!!! also perm outfits wings, and more also perm buggy +4 & over 25G on it
    3. 124 HK with +10 shield 120 on it & 130 mace. also perm suits and wings and auras and more & camy +5 !!!
    all accounts having the halloween free skins also! whisper me

    let me know if anyone interested on discord for details, screenshare or buying: itsakillerone #2524
    3accounts for sale (above) pme if interested
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