I am selling my account 35hq / First Owner. My PNS Account is connected with Twitter account (never used Twitter, i made only for PNS). ACCOUNT INFO: Newer State 3rd Ranked on Might in my state 1st Ranked on Kills Total Might - 765m+ Kills Might - 910m+ VIP Level - 13 Commander Level - 70 (maxed) Nova Level - 60 (maxed) Ruins Challenge - 820 floor Arena Hero Duel Glory Top under 15 to 50 rank everytime Troops: Total - 12m March Size - 347,600 with Megamarch 359,600 Rally Size - 1.9m Rider - 4,5m T11, 4m T1 Fighter - 700k T11, 800k T10, 1,4m T1 Shooter - 600k T10 Cars - 110k T10 HEROES: 7+ 375 Red Star - /Fox (224/500). 7+ 350 Red Star - //Requiem, Mars (29/500), "Obsidian + Hero Skin" (390/500). 6+ 350 Red Star - /////"Scarlett + Hero Skin" (17/200), Eve, Ephraim (42/200), Ulrik (48/200), McCarty (65/200). 5+ 350 Red Star - //////////Phoenix (105/150), Meyers (92/150), Ironclaw, Mantis, Lady M, "Zephyr + Hero skin", Lee (10/150), Leah (125/150), Marlowe (42/150), Levina (7/150). 4+ 310 - //Agent X (40/75), Samuel (72/75) 2+ 310 - /Atrapos 1+ 310 - /Nam Hayul 0+ 310 - ////Dara (4/10), Tomoyo, Chia-Hao, Hanyu Ichiro (6/10). ******* / = 1 Hero ******* NANO WEAPON: Apex 6* - Power Fist (+10). Apex 5* - Desert Magnum (+9). Epic 5* - Terrestrial Radar x 2 (2x +8), Thunder Hammer (+9), Tesla Cannon (+9), Ice Katana x2 (2x +8), Desert Magnum x2 (2x +8), Inoculator (+8). Rare 5* - Thunder Hammer 2x (2x +8), Incinerator (+8), Mace of Terror (+8), Phoenix Helm (+8), Plasma Scanner (8+), Ocular Drone (+8), Binding Chains (8+), Infrared Rifle (8+). Rare 4* - Ice Katana 2x (2x +8), Plasma Scanner (+8), Terrestrial Radar (+8), Mace of Terror (+8), Inoculator (+8). 4* Common - Deathclaw (+8) 4* Uncommon - Recurve Bow (+1) Gear: 8* - SMG (+24), Ruby Ring (+24). 7* - Cobra Helmet (+20), Cobra Shield (+17), S.O.F Suit (+19). 6* - , S.O.F Boots (+15) Chip 9* - 1x Rider (+26). 8* - 1x Rider (+26). 8* - 4x Rider (+25). 7* - 1x Fighter (+21), 2x Fighter (+20). 6* - 1x Fighter (+20), 2x Fighter (+19). 5* - 6x Shooter + 6* - 6x Troop chip (+10) only in Arena is available this type of chip. Module: 8* - 1x Rider (+22). 7* - 1x Rider (+23), 3x (+22). 6* - 3x Fighter (+17), 1x Fighter (+19), 1x Fighter (+18). 5* - 5x Shooter Cube 6* - 8x (+16, +17) 5* - 4x (+15) Base: Research Center - 35 Rider Camp - 35 Alliance Hall 35 Supply Depot - 35 Trading Post - 35 Research Lab - 35 Warehouse - 35 Watch Tower - 35 Fighter Camp - 35 Wall - 34 Gear Factory - 34 Hall of War - 33 Vehicle Depot - 33 Shooter Camp - 32 STATS: RIDER Solo 42 Lair (51%) Rider ATK - 3300% Rider DEF - 2750% Rider HP - 2800% FIGHETR Solo 39 Lair (50%) Fighter ATK - 2100% Fighter DEF - 1900% Fighter HP - 1950% EXTRAS: Immigration Flight Tickets - 15 Classified Blueprint - 19k Lesser rss box - 2085 Resource choice box - 242 1 Billion+ Food, 450m, 30m steel, 13m Gas in Bag. Sanctuary Skin: 1x Apocalypolis (7-Day) sanctuary skin got from Arena top 1 rank. 1x Christmastadt (Permanent) 1x Sakurafort (Permanent) Frame: 2x Frame Ace Hero (7-Day), New Year Celebration (30-Day), Nuka Legend (5-Day). I spent almost 12k € and im asking for 4000€ (4430$) if you want any screenshot or other information just ask me
::::::UPDATED INFO::::: I am selling my account 35hq / First Owner. My PNS Account is linked with Twitter account with my personal Telefon number and you can add your peronal email adresse and delete my number from twitter account. ACCOUNT INFO: Newer State 3rd Ranked on Might in my state 1st Ranked on Kills Total Might - 800m+ Kills Might - 992m+ VIP Level - 13 Commander Level - 70 (maxed) Nova Level - 60 (maxed) Ruins Challenge - 838 floor Troops: Total - 12,5m March Size - 354,600 with Megamarch 366,600 Rally Size - 2,05m Rider - 4,6m T11, 4m T1 Fighter - 1,4m T11, 330k T10, 1,4m T1 (promoting all T10s Fighter to T11s). Shooter - 600k T10 Cars - 130k T10, 600k T1 HEROES: 7+ 375 Red Star - /Fox (310/500). 7+ 350 Red Star - //Requiem, Mars (33/500), "Obsidian + Hero Skin" (405/500). 6+ 350 Red Star - /////"Scarlett + Hero Skin" (17/200), Eve, Ephraim (47/200), Ulrik (59/200), McCarty (67/200), Leah (2/200). 5+ 350 Red Star - ///////////Phoenix (110/150), Meyers (101/150), Ironclaw, Mantis, Lady M, "Zephyr + Hero skin", Lee (10/150), Marlowe (45/150), Levina (7/150), Agent X. 4+ 310 - / Samuel (74/75) 2+ 310 - /Atrapos 1+ 310 - //Nam Hayul, Hanyu Ichiro 0+ 310 - ///Dara (4/10), Tomoyo, Chia-Hao. ******* / = 1 Hero ******* NANO WEAPON: Apex 6* - Power Fist (+10). Apex 5* - Desert Magnum (+9). Epic 5* - Terrestrial Radar x 3 (2x +8, +9), Thunder Hammer (+9), Tesla Cannon (+9), Ice Katana x2 (2x +9), Desert Magnum x2 (+9 & +9), Inoculator (+9). Rare 5* - Thunder Hammer 2x (2x +8), Incinerator (+8), Mace of Terror (+8), Phoenix Helm (+8), Plasma Scanner (8+), Ocular Drone (+8), Binding Chains (8+), Infrared Rifle (8+). Rare 4* - Ice Katana 2x (2x +8), Plasma Scanner (+8), Terrestrial Radar (+8), Mace of Terror (+8), Inoculator (+8). 4* Common - Deathclaw (+8) 4* Uncommon - Recurve Bow (+1), Dual Tachis (+1), Mutated Arm (+8). Gear: 8* - SMG (+24), Ruby Ring (+24). 7* - Cobra Helmet (+20), Cobra Shield (+17), S.O.F Suit (+19). 6* - , S.O.F Boots (+15) Chip 9* - 1x Rider (+26). 8* - 2x Rider (+26). 8* - 3x Rider (+25). 7* - 1x Fighter (+21), 2x Fighter (+20). 6* - 1x Fighter (+20), 2x Fighter (+19). 5* - 6x Shooter + 6* - 6x Troop chip (+10) only in Arena is available this type of chip. Module: 8* - 1x Rider (+22). 7* - 2x Rider (+23), 2x (+22). 6* - 3x Fighter (+17), 1x Fighter (+19), 1x Fighter (+18). 5* - 5x Shooter Cube: 7* - 1x (+17) 6* - 11x (+16, +17) Base: Research Center - 35 Rider Camp - 35 Alliance Hall 35 Supply Depot - 35 Trading Post - 35 Research Lab - 35 Warehouse - 35 Watch Tower - 35 Fighter Camp - 35 Hall of War - 35 Wall - 34 Gear Factory - 35 Vehicle Depot - 35 Shooter Camp - 34 STATS: RIDER Solo 42 Lair (51%) Rider ATK - 3370% Rider DEF - 2800% Rider HP - 2800% FIGHTER Solo 39 Lair (50%) Fighter ATK - 2150% Fighter DEF - 1900% Fighter HP - 1950% Shooter ATK - 1200% Shooter DEF - 1250% Shooter HP - 1350% EXTRAS: Immigration Flight Tickets - 19 Classified Blueprint - 15k Lesser rss box - 2525 Resource choice box - 274 1 Billion+ Food, 450m wood, 56m steel, 25m Gas in Bag. Sanctuary Skin: 1x Apocalypolis (7-Day) sanctuary skin got from Arena top 1 rank. 1x Christmastadt (Permanent) 1x Sakurafort (Permanent) Frame: 2x Frame Ace Hero (7-Day), 2x Nuka Legend (5-Day). March skin: Stormer and Dreamcycle (Permanent) if you want any screenshot or other information just ask me
I am writing to you as a seller. I sold my account on this site, but the money for the sale never came to me. and the support service completely ignores me, so before you sell your account through this site, think a few times!
Такспочатку показував, потім я зав'язалася з підтримкою через телеграм канал, і вони написали що гроші відправили, проте тих грошей немає, і відповідей теж немає!
я залишати відгуки про цей сайт на всіх сайтах де тільки можливо! І іншим продавцям писати щоб теж не продавали.
yes, first the funds were on the balance, then I contacted the support service through the telegram channel, they said that they would transfer the funds and created an application and said that they were transferred, but on my account 0.
need to write reviews on all the site, that this site is a scam. that they do not pay. you need to write everywhere, and under each seller's post, maybe it will give some result
I think you got scammed because this website dont allow you to go in another website like (telegram, discord, whatsapp, Facebook. and more…) for support.
No. I contacted the site support service in the telegram channel in personal messages, providing only the order number, it was after the sale. the sale itself was through the site
How will middleman services contact me? All middleman transactions are conducted on PlayerUp.com only. Never release any information, perform any service or release any payments if you're a seller unless this username @Middleman[/URL] contacts you through the Conversation Ticket System. PlayerUp Middleman Services will never directly contact you through e-mail, discord, telegram, steam, Facebook., whatsapp, kik, skype, or any 3rd party service. If somebody contacts you offsite claiming they are from PlayerUp, it is a scam.