Sold [EU]29+tier premiums-24t10-14 maxout cmders-264 days premium-64Mcred-Steel28k-Coal73k-47K RBpts

Discussion in 'World of Warships Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Shurik3n, 3/27/22.

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  1. Shurik3n

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    1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 4.jpg 5.jpg 6.jpg 7.jpg 8.jpg 9.jpg 10.jpg 13.jpg 14.jpg Hello, I'm selling today my EU World of Warships account I've built for 6 years. (WR 53%)

    I've got 14 (21pts) commanders, so you'll easily stack elite commander xp for ships you like. I was mostly a cruiser, destroyer player playing with different clans.

    Special commanders : Yamamoto Isoroku, W.F.Halsey Jr, John Doe, A.Ovechkin(x2) , N.Kuznetsov, G.Lutjens, F.Von Jutland, B.Dunkirk, J.Dunkirk, J.J Honoré, D.Rang, L.Sansonetti, J.Swirski

    There are a few other premium ships hidden on this account, they can be recovered from Wargaming player support, if you're a history collector : Viribus, Nikolai, Dreadnought, Campbelton, Charleston, Tachibana, Oklahoma, Siroco, Texas, Yubari, Southern Dragon, Varyag, Vampire, Smith, Arizona, Emdem.

    ARP ships Collection to recover from player support : ARP Hiei, ARP Takao, ARP Kongo, ARP Haruna, ARP Kirishima, ARP Haguro, ARP Ashigara (sry I wasn't into fantasy)

    Legendary modules for Gearing, Zao, Moskva, Desmoines, Yamato (best and most useful modules to have)

    1700 doubloons / 327k free XP / There's still more than 6 months of premium days left from today.
    On 1st of April 2022, 264 days of premium account left.

    All game campaigns have been completed. Missions remaining are dedicated for CV players(I am not).

    25% coupon to buy ships for ressources or doubloons available, the other coupons reset every month.

    (There's a World of tanks account attached, only a few t6 and little stats)

    All for 500US$ only

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    #1 Shurik3n, 3/27/22
    Last edited: 4/1/22
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