Sold Selling my legacy 3 account (2690 hours devotion lvl 7)

Discussion in 'Dead by Daylight Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell DBD Account' started by /u/Malv0_, 3/20/22.

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  1. /u/Malv0_

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    Basically long story short, i've recently entered a new line of work that requires me to travel and work away from home a lot. I only get to spend 12 weeks out of a year at home meaning I only get to spend 12 weeks playing dbd a year. I've decided it'll be best to sell my account to someone who will keep it active and going.

    I'm not asking for a set price, I'm open to offers and suggestions and will go with the best one.

    The legacy pieces earned are as follows

    Legacy 3: Claudette, Meg, Nea, Trapper, Wraith

    Legacy 2: Jake & Billy.

    All killers except twins and oni. 16,000 shards.

    Feel free to DM me on reddit or on discord.

    Discord: Malvo#0001

    # #/Malv0_
    # .
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