Sold  S111 | 465m BP | VIP 9 | 5 Star HQ | 3.3M T10 Troops | Billions RSS | 115K Bios | 185 Poly Plasma

Discussion in 'State of Survival Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by PacificJ, 3/20/22.

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  1. PacificJ

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    I have maintained this account for over 297 days. It will complete T11 Pulse Elite training in the near future. It's a great starter account for anyone looking for tiny foot print with the history of the game and unique characters for the past 2 years. Account is unbound and only linked with social acct for simple transfer.

    0_LE.png 1_Troops.png 2_RSS.png 3_RSS2.png 4_Speeds.png 5_War.png 6_Advanced.png 7_Other.png 8_Other2.png 9_Other3.png 10_Other4.png 11_Other5.png 12_T11.png 13_Aircraft.png 14_AmethystLab.png
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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