Selling WTS G1 323 lvl 58b dph Over 2 years playing this...

Discussion in 'Monster Warlord Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rob Bradford, 10/5/15.

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  1. Rob Bradford

    Rob Bradford
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    WTS G1 323 lvl 58b dph Over 2 years playing this game. I'm selling bc my new JOB doesn't allow me to be active! LVL 323, 58B DPH, 16 DIVINES, LOT OF JEWELS, HP AND EGGS! (75 celestial, 78 legend, 670+ mysterious). ONLY US AMAZON GIFT CARD! NOT GOING FIRST! KIK update: Lvl 326, 6100+ jewels, also tw team lvl 25, and over 300 energy and stamina potions! Hello. How much? And what about the CE that happened? Did you make any more progress? UPDATE:lvl 329, 71B DPH, 18 Divines, all with runes (1 Azrael +38% dmg, 1 Glaaki +31% dmg, 1 Code-X +33% dmg, 1 Sheha +30% dmg, 1 Dagon +32% def to dmg, 1 Okeanos +24% def to dmg, 2 Modiggian +15% dmg, 2 Yamusiche +12% dmg, 3 Woochi, 1 Acala, 1 Eleonor, 2 Gibson and 1 Brahma), 6900+ JEWELS, 8500 hp, 74 Celestial Eggs ( 5 more in 4 days), 83 Legend Eggs, 707 Mysterious Eggs, 375 Energy pots, 327 Stamina Pots, VIP 5 ( 35/100 ). PM me or KIK me for prices Thanks =)
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