WTS: 59.4 Mil SP All Around

Discussion in 'Eve Online Accounts For Sale' started by Eve Online, 3/27/12.

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  1. Eve Online

    Eve Online
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    Exellent Industry skills can use all T2 lazzzors and stuff,
    EXHUMERS 5 which is nice
    AWESOME Gunnery skills can use all races T2 small to large
    MAX learning skills
    Battle Cruiser 5, Caldari BS, Cruiser and Frig 5
    Just need the Cap ships/Indi Cap skillbooks to fly a Rorqual
    Just pluged the Marauders and Gal Freighter skills in​
    He has a kill right against him that ends in about 2 weeks
    Pos wallet
    Pos standing
    I will pay transfer
    so on and so forth
    Remap not available until 2011
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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