Level 541 (at the time being) BR 22 Energy: 1257 + 126 Stamina: 397 + 40 Attack: 2164 + 269 Defence: 1082 + 124 Health: 158 + 21 Veteran 6 Assassin (maxed) + Backstab 3 + Cripple 3 + Poison 3 + Frenzy 3 + Slayer 3 + Opportunist 3 + Decapitate 3 + Cunning 3 + Payback 3 + Evasion 3 LV3 Reaper + Impale 1 + Bloodlust 2 + Plague 1 + Precise Blade 2 + Harvest 3 + Shadow Strike 3 + Ambush 1 4500 + CC to spend on the class you choose. 53 Liuteniants Notable LTS: (in order of rarity) 1* Irina 1* Natalia 1* Zhukov 1* Ravel 1* Dragon Lord 1* Duke 2* Ariel 2* Stacy 2* Sophia 2* Chromium 2* Scarlet 1* Kate 4* Scorpion 1* Fleur 1* Envy 3* Edge 2* Eve Amstrong plus others. Properties: All Income properties to 20 plus some bonus ones from packs (maxed) All Upgrade properties (Fortress, Airport, etc) to 10 (maxed) Safehouse lvl 10 Income: 524k/hour + 52.400/hour (bonus) Has 12x Energy Refills,14x Stamina Refills, 83fp at the moment, getting 5fp Daily for 16 days more. Not much time due to family and work. If you are interested just reply here or PM with an offer.