Sold New opportunity to get NEA HYPE SHIRT Codes More

Discussion in 'Dead by Daylight Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell DBD Account' started by /u/StargamerXD, 3/10/22.

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  1. /u/StargamerXD

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    Hey, there are currently DiaHype Shirt codes available for sale!

    Sale: $1800 for DiaHype

    The reason I disclosed them in the past as non available, was because I knew the people who still had them at the time and who don't. The only codes available has a friend, who did not sell his stash at the time.

    Now though he is ready to sell his inventory and asked me to help him to sell his codes. If you are interested in buying exclusives, like Nea DiaHype, hit me up on Discord. He has a lot of different codes to offer, like PAX and Comiccon codes, as well!

    Discord: StargamerXD#8058

    Every sale goes through me, he wants to stay private.

    # #/StargamerXD
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