Selling WTS Level 60 war with both rune sets Account has...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Order & Chaos Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/23/13.

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  1. Order & Chaos Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTS Level 60 war with both rune sets Account has both rune sets, three reinforced weapons (skele rapier and hammer). Also has master craft. Would like offers via PayPal. Also included is a Mage with a triply registered/spaced name! The method of creating spaced/blank names&guilds! Also a few other tips and glitches. [SOLD] lvl 60 basic Monk no rune gear plz email me any paypal offers, williambui25@ ios WTS WTS Lvl 60 Archer and lvl 60 Warrior Hey guys I am selling an account with two characters in them the first is a lvl 60 archer... They are in Arcadian Forest (US) Name: Kate Gear: Necklace: Bloodmoon Cape: Wallow Evil Cloak Top: Reinforced Stealth Hunter's (Epic) Rings: Agility and Awakening Main hand: Kermode's Claw (Epic) Off-hand: Laryngeal Seal Ranged: Wind Cutter and Flying Lighting Bow of Attack Shoulder: Rune archer shoulders Arm: Deadly Potion Glove Pants: Reinforced Stealth Hunter's (Epic) Boots: Reinforced Caligae (Epic) Trinkets: They are both Kermode's Tear Build: It has a farming build, but probably the best build you can have. Extras: Has 144g and Master in Tailoring Lvl 60 Warrior Name: KrazeeD Gear:Has full rune gear, same cape as Kate, weapons: Lava King's Trident, Fername's Blade of Barbarity, and Warship Slasher. Shield is Wall of Honor, trinkets are decent Build: Currently hybrid Extras: Has some dungeon gear in inventory and bank I'm asking for $100 dollars but prices can be negotiated PM me (krazeed) or email me at bstchaosx00x@ Thanks guys Btw I only accept Paypal [SOLD] 60lvl epic geared Guardian warrior (TANK) Hello everyone, I'm back here to sell my beloved warrior and monk in the same account. Had much fun playing it, but I'm giving up spamming the same dungeon again and again, expecting to get the Swamp Fury sword, so I'm leaving this challenge for You folks, as it has 250 runes, I think it only needs time, which I havent got much Account includes: 4 character slots 60lvl warrior "tank" with MASTER foundry...
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