Selling WTS very good monk milly UMAN MONK Craft: Master...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Order & Chaos Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/24/13.

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  1. Order & Chaos Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTS very good monk milly UMAN MONK Craft: Master Tailor -Full dps Rune Set 3/6 up epic -Bloodmoon - planet cloak of guil -Eristars's Signet -2x Kermodes Tear -Floating Cloud Stick -58x Essence of champioon!!! -Barstikar's Honor -Ring of crazy -Eye of the Head -Ultanjin's Wisdom -shadewood pendant -Black Water robe -Bloodsoaked Orb -Swallow Cloak -over 210 soul -over 100 rune and more offers for pm or email :rinaldocasa@ paypal offers only (I'm paypal verified), thanks! WTS 3 Lvl 60 toons Fully Geared, IOS Cheap! . WTS Epic 60 Tank (4/6 Stable Strong) and Epic 60 Mage (4/6 Magic Spill) Lvl 60 Tank & Lvl 60 Mage For Sale! ----------------------------------------------- LVL 60 Epic Tank Level: 60 Race: Elf Sex: Male Build: Tank Craft: Master Foundry Currently Equipped - Stable Strong Defender's Helmet - Stable Strong Defender's Gloves - Stable Strong Defender's Legguards - Stable Strong Defender's Boots - Strong Defender's Shoulderpads - Steal Shadow Breastplate - Withered Ring of the Guardian (x2) - Barstikar's Honor (Trinket) - Kermode's Tear (Trinket) - Ultimate Armor Crossbow - Wall of Honor - Black Lotus - Planet Cloak of Barbarity - Broken Jade Pendant of Defense In the Chest - Essence of Eristar - General Symbol (x3) - Colonel's Symbol (x2) - Carrion Longbow - Lava Kings Trident - Reinforced Skeleton - Wild Glove - Withered Ring of Offense - Withered Ring of Barbarity - Mercenary's Handguard - Demon's Skin Legguards - Underdog Chestplate - Wallow Evil Cloak - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lvl 60 Epic Mage Level: 60 Race: Undead Sex: Male Build: Hybrid Craft: Master Tailor Currently Equipped - Magic Spill Vanishing Magician's Hood - Magic Spill Vanishing Magician's Handguards - Magic Spill Vanishing Magician's Legguards - Magic Spill Vanishing Magician's Shoes - Reinforced Darkstripe Shoulderpads - Reinforced Conciliation Magecloth Robe - 2x Swamp Eye (Trinkets) - Heartforger of Sorcery - Prosecutor's Ring of...
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